STATUS OF NJ NUCLEAR PLANTS SINCE LAST MEETING Oyster Creek [Exelon Nuclear] Operated at power with exception of 4 day period in July – manual reactor SCRAM in response to degrading Main Condenser vacuum NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): Licensee Response – Return to Green from White (October 1: 4th Q 2017) – Electromatic Relief Valve (EMRV) inoperable due to improper maintenance (Mitigating System: 4th Q 2016) Oyster Creek’s Future: Permanent Plant Shutdown In Progress: Discussions with NRC about reductions in the Security Plan and plant components following fuel off load (BREs, EDGs, CST, SW components, etc.) June 2019: NRC Approval of Defueled E-Plan November 30, 2019: “Tentative” Final plant shutdown (comply with NJ plant discharge permit) – Economic alternatives being considered December 30, 2019: “Tentative” Full Core Offload Complete December 31, 2019: NJ/Exelon Consent Order - final shutdown 2020: SAFSTOR vs. Decontamination & Dismantlement Decision
NJ NUCLEAR PLANTS STATUS SINCE LAST MEETING (cont’d) Salem 1 & 2 [PSEG Nuclear] S1: Operated at power; Steam Generator tube leak (< 1 gpd & stable; EPRI guideline 75 gpd; TS = 150 gpd) [leak began in May 2017] Shutdown October 12 for the 25th Refueling Outage (scheduled for 30 day duration) NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): Licensee Response S2: Operated at power with the exception of a two day forced outage in September resulting from the need to replace a Main Generator Stator Cooling Water Strainer NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): Licensee Response – Return to Green from White (October 24: 4th Q 2017) – Unplanned Scrams (Initiating Event: 2nd Q 2016)
Hope Creek [PSEG Nuclear] NJ NUCLEAR PLANTS STATUS SINCE LAST MEETING (cont’d) Hope Creek [PSEG Nuclear] Operated at power NRC Assessment (ROP Action Matrix): Licensee Response – Return to Green from White (October 1: 4th Q 2017) ) – High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) system inoperable due to water intrusion into oil system (Mitigating System: 3rd Q 2016)
NJ INDEPENDENT SPENT FUEL STORAGE INSTALLATIONS (ISFSI) Oyster Creek – Horizontal Storage [Transnuclear] Capacity: 34 Casks Present Storage: 27 Casks Last Campaign: 2016 (April/May – 4 Casks) Next Campaign: After Permanent Shutdown Salem & Hope Creek – Vertical Storage [Holtec] Capacity: 200 Casks Present Storage: 56 Casks (29 HC; 15 S1; 12 S2) Last Campaign: February 2017* Next Campaign: Summer 2018 (Salem 1: tentatively 5 casks) * Due to planned Co-60 Shipments
2017 DRILLS & EXERCISES June 20: Salem Quarterly Drill August 29: Oyster Creek FEMA Graded Rehearsal Drill Sept 26-28: Oyster Creek FEMA Graded Ingestion Pathway Exercise October 31: Oyster Creek Quarterly Drill
RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL SHIPMENTS IN/OUT OF NJ 2016 (Total) HRCQ*: 11 Non-HRCQ: 10 2017 (YTD) HRCQ: 12 Non-HRCQ: 10 October 4th 1st of nine (9) Co-60 shipments from Hope Creek to GE in California * Highway Route Controlled Quantity