Vlad Andrei Munteanu Alexandru Marlboro Vlad Andrei Munteanu Alexandru
Outline of structure Introduction SWOT Porter 5 Forces Market Position Recommendations & Conclusion
INTRODUCTION 1924- Philip Morris established the company 1950- First Marlboro filtered cigarette 1954- The “Marlboro Man” add is created 1972- Marlboro becomes the most popular brand
SWOT Analysis Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities Increase in tax Import/Export reduced More competitors Electric Cigarette’s brands Electric cigarettes Promote latest findings about cigarettes Use staff to promote in different countries Little advertising methods little internet presence Loss of market share due to high prices Largest brand of selling cigarettes Owns biggest market share Found in every country Brand loyalty Strengths Weaknesses Threats Opportunities
Poster 5 Forces Power of buyers -Buyers’ price sensitivity Competitive rivalry -Level of advertising expense Threat of new entrants -Barriers to entry -Consumer loyalty Power of buyers -Buyers’ price sensitivity Threat of substitutes -Level of product differentiation Power of suppliers -Presence of substitute inputs
Marketing position
Financial Growth
Conclusion & Recommendations Economies of scale affected by brand loyalty E-cigarette market is the way forward Two ways to ameliorate consumers perceptions
Reference list F.D.A. Looks Into Marlboro’s ‘Gold’ Marketing - NYTimes.com. 2012. F.D.A. Looks Into Marlboro’s ‘Gold’ Marketing - NYTimes.com. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/18/health/18tobacco.html?_r=1. [Accessed 02 January 2013]. J. J. Boddewyn "Smoking Ads Don't Get People Hooked," The Wall Street Journal (October 21, 1986). Ken Cummins, Selling Smoke: Cigarette Advertising and Public Health (Washington, D.C.: American Public Health Association, 1987). Leader Of The Packs. 2012. Leader Of The Packs. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/05_44/b3957107.htm. [Accessed 02 January 2013]. Morality and Marketing. 2012. Morality and Marketing. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.scu.edu/ethics/publications/iie/v1n4/marlboro.html. [Accessed 02 January 2013]. Porter's 5 Forces Definition | Investopedia . 2013. Porter's 5 Forces Definition | Investopedia . [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/porter.asp#axzz2H6ZPGtk4. [Accessed 02 January 2013].