OVERVIEW OF THE PRESENTATION Introduction Key Achievements and Challenges Medium Term Expenditure Estimates Strategic Objectives and Medium Term Programme Plan
INTRODUCTION The Constitution mandates the PSC to among others: promote sound values/principles of public administration, and Propose measures for effective and efficient public service performance Accordingly, the PSC has a strategic obligation to: generate evidence to enable Parliament to exercise its political oversight role, and advise the Executive on good administrative practice This presentation, firstly highlights key achievements of the PSC as well as challenges the organisation faces in the execution of its mandate. The presentation finally provides an overview of the medium term expenditure and strategic frameworks of the PSC.
ACHIEVEMENTS The PSC has consolidated its institutional base over the six years of its existence to position it to deliver on its mandate. Strategic partnerships have been formed with targeted institutions such as the Auditor General and the Public Protector. Since its inception, the PSC has managed to improve financial management and budget control (unqualified audits for five years in succession). The Commission has increasingly strengthened its monitoring and evaluation capacity, as evidenced by the sound systems and frameworks put in place, the quality of reports produced and the increased involvement in broader M+E processes (such as co-hosting the 3rd African Evaluation Conference). Through its role in facilitating HOD’s Performance Assessment, the PSC has contributed towards promoting a culture of accounting for performance at senior levels of the Public Service.
ACHIEVEMENTS cont’d Enabling mechanisms and processes have been put in place to facilitate the effective and efficient management of grievances in the public service. Sound protocols and methodologies have been put in place to conduct public administration investigations covering maladministration and corruption, failure to adhere to proper public service procedures, and complaints on personnel related practices. A national hot-line facility has been established. This together with other PSC work on supporting the National Anti-Corruption Forum and on compliance with frameworks such as the Code of Conduct for Public Servants, contribute towards promoting professional ethical behaviour in the public service. The PSC has played a valuable support role in institution building initiatives such as the Eastern Cape IMT programme and the current KZN provincial support programme. The PSC has endeavoured to meet the Employment Equity targets as contained in the White Paper on Affirmative Action. Progress in this regard is reflected in the table below.
The breakdown of employment equity per level as at 1 August 2005 Africans Coloureds Indians Whites Subtotal Total F M T Fe-males Males 01-08 58 29 87 3 2 5 1 13 16 75 34 109 09-12 22 35 6 7 56 13-16 8 18 26 4 12 27 39 TOTAL 76 69 148 15 107 96 204
CHALLENGES Although interaction with legislatures is good, it can be improved to ensure that departments follow up on recommendations made by the PSC. Further work needs to be done to achieve Employment Equity targets, especially disability targets and female representation at management level. The amount of labour intensive investigations that the PSC has to conduct, places significant strain on our human and financial resource capacity. This together with provincial and departmental support initiatives such as the current one in KZN lead to prioritisation challenges.
CHALLENGES cont’d There is a need to improve compliance with and to fast-track the HOD evaluation process. Forensic investigation capacity needs to be improved to effectively deal with corruption related investigations. The availability of credible organised data on the public service remains a challenge facing the PSC when carrying out its monitoring and evaluation mandate.
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES INVESTIGATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE REVIEWS Aims to enable the PSC to improve labour relations and management, undertake public administration investigations and to promote anti-corruption, and review implementation of human resource policies in the Public Service MONITORING AND EVALUATION Aims to enable the PSC to establish a high standard of public service leadership, good governance and improved service delivery through public participation INSTITUTION BUILDING Provides for general and financial management, personnel and provisioning administration, and the provision of legal and other support services used to formulate policy
KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS INVESTIGATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE REVIEWS Secondary Objectives INVESTIGATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCE REVIEWS 1. Labour Relations Improvements To enhance public service labour relations and management practices 2. Professional Ethics and Human Resource Reviews To promoted anti-corruption and review the implementation of human resource policies 3. Public Administration Investigations Undertake audits and investigations into public administration practices MONITORING AND EVALUATION 4. Governance Monitoring Good governance promoted and governance practices enhanced 5. Leadership and Performance Improvement A high standard of public service leadership promoted and improvements in service delivery encouraged through HOD’s performance management 6. Service Delivery and Quality Assurance Service delivery enhanced through improved public participation INSTITUTION BUILDING 7. Institution Building Provision of general and financial management personnel and provisioning administration, legal
MEDIUM TERM EXPENDITURE FRAMEWORK ESTIMATES Taking into account the changes to the PSC’s programme structure, the budget is divided into three programmes, namely: Investigations and Human Resource Reviews: Aims to enable the PSC to improve labour relations and management, undertake public administration investigations and to promote anti-corruption, and review implementation of human resource policies in the Public Service. Monitoring and Evaluation: Aims to enable the PSC to establish a high standard of public service leadership, good governance and improved service delivery through public participation. Institution Building: Provides for general and financial management, personnel and provisioning administration, and the provision of legal and other support services used to formulate policy.
CHANGES IN SPENDING PATTERNS: 1999-2004 Underspending/Savings as % of total budget: 1999/2000: R16 574 000 (33%) 2000/2001: R 8 732 000 (17%) 2001/2002: R 1 271 000 (2%) 2002/2003: R 584 000 (1%) 2003/2004: R 70 000 (0.11%)
PSC MTEF EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Budget Allocations: % Increase 2004/5: R73 081 000 2005/6: R83 113 000 14% 2006/7: R88 522 000 7% 2007/8: R93 173 000 5% 2008/9: R97 645 000 5%
PSC BUDGET BREAKDOWN: 2006/7-2008/9 PER PROGRAMME 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 ADMIN 37 708 40 266 (6% increase) 42 195 (5% increase) I&HRR 27 630 28 877 30 269 M&E 23 184 24 030 25 181 TOTAL 88 522 93 173 97 645
PSC BUDGET BREAKDOWN : 2006/7-2008/9 ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION SCoA Item (R’000) 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Compensation of Employees 64 075 67 794 71 043 Goods & Services 22 407 23 233 24 353 Transfers & Subsidies 225 240 252 Payments for capital assets 1 815 1 906 1 997 Total 88 522 93 173 97 645
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