SUFFIXES -al, -ic, -ac, -eal, -iac---------pertaining to -scope----------instrument to visually examine -scopy--------------process of visually examining -pathy-------------disease condition -oma--------tumor
Suffix Examples Pericardial—pertaining to around the heart Endoscope—instrument for examining within (inside) an organ or cavity Endoscopy—process of examining an organ or cavity using an endoscope Cardiomyopathy—disease condition of the heart muscle Carcinoma—cancerous tumor
PREFIXES anti- ---------------against endo- ---------------within peri- --------------around, surrounding sub- -----------------under, below trans- --------------across, through
Prefix Examples Antifungal—pertaining to against fungus Endoscope—instrument for looking within (inside) an organ or body cavity Pericardial—pertaining to around the heart Subclavicular—under the clavicle Transcutaneous—across the skin
ABBREVIATIONS aa (with a line over)------of each R/O-----rule out NPO-----nothing by mouth IV-----intravenous gt, gtt-----drops ac-----before meals/eating pc-----after meals/eating