The SuperB project M. Biagini on behalf of SuperB Accelerator Team J


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Presentation transcript:

The SuperB project M. Biagini on behalf of SuperB Accelerator Team J The SuperB project M. Biagini on behalf of SuperB Accelerator Team J. Adams Institute, Oxford, UK, July 9th, 2009

SuperB Accelerator Team D. Alesini, M. E. Biagini, A. Bocci, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, A. Clozza, T. Demma, A. Drago, M. Esposito, A. Gallo, S. Guiducci, V. Lollo, G. Mazzitelli, C. Milardi, L. Pellegrino, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, C. Sanelli, G. Sensolini, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy) K. Bertsche, A. Brachmann, Y. Cai, A. Chao, DeLira, M. Donald, A. Fisher, D. Kharakh, Krasnykh, N. Li, D. MacFarlane, Y. Nosochkov, A. Novokhatski, M. Pivi, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, J. Weisend, W. Wittmer, G. Yocky (SLAC, US) Bogomiagkov, S. Karnaev, I. Koop, E. Levichev, S. Nikitin, I. Nikolaev, I. Okunev, P. Piminov, S. Siniatkin, D. Shatilov, V. Smaluk, P. Vobly (BINP, Russia) G. Bassi, A. Wolski (Cockroft Institute, UK) S. Bettoni, D. Quatraro (CERN, Switzerland) M. Baylac, J. Bonis, R. Chehab, J. DeConto, Gomez, A. Jaremie, G. Lemeur, B. Mercier, F. Poirier, C. Prevost, C. Rimbault, Tourres, F. Touze, A. Variola (CNRS, France) A. Chance, O. Napoly (CEA Saclay, France) F. Bosi, E. Paoloni (Pisa University, Italy) CDR (2007) M. E. Biagini, M. Boscolo, A. Drago, S. Guiducci, M. Preger, P. Raimondi, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy) K. Bertsche, Y. Cai, A. Fisher, S. Heifets, A. Novokhatski, M.T. Pivi, J. Seeman, M. Sullivan, U. Wienands, W. Wittmer (SLAC, US) T. Agoh, K. Ohmi, Y. Ohnishi (KEK, Japan), Koop, S. Nikitin, E. Levichev, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov (BINP, Russia) A. Wolski (Cockcroft, UK) M. Venturini (LBNL, US) S. Bettoni (CERN, Switzerland) A. Variola (LAL, France) E. Paoloni, G. Marchiori (Pisa University, Italy) TDR (2009-2010)

The SuperB accelerator SuperB-Factory is an asymmetric collider that can exploit new promising design approaches: large Piwinski angle scheme will allow for peak luminosity ³ 1036 cm-2 s-1 well beyond the current state-of-the-art, without a significant increase in beam currents or shorter bunch lengths “crab waist” sextupoles used for suppression of dangerous resonances low currents with reduced detector and background problems, and affordable operating costs polarized electron beam can produce polarized t leptons, opening an entirely new realm of exploration in lepton flavor physics

How to increase L to 1036 ? B-Factories (PEP-II and KEKB) have reached high luminosity (>1034 cm-2 s-1) but, to increase L of ~ 2 orders of magnitude, parameters need to be pushed to uncomfortable limits: Very high currents HOM in beam pipe overheating, instabilities power costs detector backgrounds increase Very short bunches (low by*) RF voltage increases costs, instabilities Smaller damping times Wiggler magnets needed Crab cavities for head-on collision KEKB experience not very positive Difficult and costly operation

Hourglass effect: why short bunches? Bunch length by* 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 -0,02 -0,01 0,01 s (m) 1 mm 5 mm 2 cm To squeeze the vertical beam dimensions, and increase Luminosity, by* at IP must be decreased. This is efficient only if at the same time the bunch length is shortened to sz » by otherwise particles in the head and tail of the bunches will collide at a larger by.

A new idea for L increase (LPA & CW) P.Raimondi, 2° SuperB Workshop, March 2006 P.Raimondi, D.Shatilov, M.Zobov, physics/0702033 Principle: beams more focused at IP + “large” crossing angle (LPA) + 2 sextupoles/ring to “twist” the beam waist at the IP (CW) Ultra-low emittance Very small b* at IP Large crossing angle “Crab Waist” transformation Small collision area Lower b* is possible NO parasitic crossings NO x-y-betatron resonances Proved to work at upgraded DAFNE F-Factory 2008-2009

Large crossing angle, small x-size 1) Head-on, Short bunches 2) Large crossing angle, long bunches Overlap region sz sx (1) and (2) have same Luminosity, but (2) has longer bunches and smaller sx Large Piwinski angle: F = tg(q)sz/sx Vertical waist has to be a function of x: Z = 0 for particles at –sx (- sx/2q at low current) Z = sx/q for particles at +sx (sx/2q at low current) Y y waist can be moved along z with a sextupole on both sides of IP at proper phase “Crab Waist”

How it works Crab sextupoles OFF: Waist line is orthogonal to the axis of other beam All particles in both beams collide in the minimum by region, with a net luminosity gain Crab sextupoles ON: Waist moves parallel to the axis of other beam: maximum particle density in the overlap between bunches Plots by E. Paoloni

Advantages Horizontal beam-beam tune shift negligible Easier to make smaller sx than shorter sz Parasitic collisions become negligible due to higher crossing angle and smaller sx Larger operational space in tunes plane (less resonance lines) Higher luminosity with about substantially lower currents without need to shorten bunch lengths: Beam instabilities are less severe Manageable HOM heating Less coherent synchrotron radiation of shorter bunches Less power consumption

Example of x-y resonance suppression in LPA&CW scheme D.Shatilov’s (BINP) Tune plan (nx,ny) Higher luminosity! Typical case (KEKB, DAFNE): 1. low Piwinski angle F < 1 2. by comparable with sz Crab Waist On: 1. large Piwinski angle F >> 1 2. by comparable with sx/q

Basic concepts (2) SuperB approach SuperB exploits the LPA&CW alternative approach, with: Small beams (ILC-DR like) very low emittances: ILC-DR, SR light sources Large Piwinsky angle and “crab waist” with a couple of sextupoles/ring Interaction Region geometry Currents comparable to present Factories lower backgrounds, less HOM and instabilities Requires fine machine tuning

The SuperB project A CDR (450 pages, 320 signatures, 85 Institutions) was published in March 2007, a TDR will be ready by end 2010 SuperB project was scrutinized by an International Review Committee (chair J. Dainton, 9 members) A Mini-Machine Advisory Committee (chair J. Dorfan, 10 accelerator experts) has met twice (July 2008, April 2009) to examine the feasibility of the accelerator Both Commettees have endorsed the project for the Physics program and the accelerator feasibility “Mini-MAC now feels secure in enthusiastically encouraging the SuperB design team to proceed to the TDR phase, with confidence that the design parameters are achievable” (from Mini-MAC Closeout, April 09)

SuperB builds on the successes of past accelerators PEP-II LER stored beam current: 3.2 A in 1722 bunches (4 nsec) @ 3.1 GeV and 23 nm, with little Electron Cloud Instability effect on Luminosity Low emittance lattices designed for ILC damping rings, PETRA-3, NSLC-II, and PEP-X (few nm horizontal x few pm vertical) Very low emittance achieved in ATF, Diamond, SLS Successful crab waist luminosity tests at DAFNE Spin manipulation tests in Novosibirsk Efficient spin generation with a high current gun and spin transport to the Final Focus at the SLC Successful 2 beams, asymmetric Interaction Regions built by KEKB and PEP-II Successful continuous injection with the detector taking data (KEKB and PEP-II)

SuperB main features Goal: maximize luminosity while keeping wall power low 2 rings (~4 GeV and ~7 GeV) with flexible design Ultra low emittance optics: 7x4 pm vertical emittance Beam currents: comparable to present Factories LPA & CW scheme used to maximize luminosity and minimize beam size blow-up No “emittance” wigglers used (save power) Design based on recycling PEP-II hardware (save costs) Longitudinal polarization for electrons in the HER (unique feature) Possibility to push the cm energy down to the t-charm threshold with a luminosity of 1035 cm-2 s-1

SuperB parameters flexibility LER/HER Unit June 2008 Jan. 2009 March 2009 LNF site E+/E- GeV 4/7 L cm-2 s-1 1x1036 I+/I- Amp 1.85 /1.85 2.00/2.00 2.80/2.80 2.70/2.70 Npart x1010 5.55 /5.55 6/6 4.37/4.37 4.53/4.53 Nbun 1250 2400 1740 Ibunch mA 1.48 1.6 1.17 q/2 mrad 25 30 bx* mm 35/20 by* 0.22 /0.39 0.21 /0.37 ex nm 2.8/1.6 ey pm 7/4 sx 9.9/5.7 sy 39/39 38/38 sz 5/5 xx X tune shift 0.007/0.002 0.005/0.0017 0.004/0.0013 xy Y tune shift 0.14 /0.14 0.125/0.126 0.091/0.092 0.094/0.095 RF stations 5/6 5/8 6/9 RF wall plug power MW 16.2 18 25.5 30. Circumference m 1800* 1400# *Antisymmetric Spin Rotators add 300 m, # Symmetric Spin Rotators included

Strong-strong beam-beam simulations K. Ohmi (KEKB) Strong-strong modified code (much faster): PIC for beams overlap area gaussian for beam tails June ’08 lattice, tune shift = 0.14 Luminosity of 1036 can be reached

BB optimization with lattice nonlinearities (weak-strong Lifetrack code) Crab “strength” Piminov, Shatilov (BINP), Zobov (LNF) Ideal case Nonlinear elements included: longer tails affect the lifetime All plots: X from 0 to 10 sx Y from 0 to 100 sy Change of the working point: emittance blow up almost disappears Changing the octupole strength: lifetime increased by a factor of 3-4 for CW strength  0.8 and 0.9 Lifetime 30 min

Arcs Lattice Arc cells design based on decreasing the natural emittance by increasing mx/cell Alternating sequence of two different arc cells: a mx = 0.5 cell, that provides the best dynamic aperture, and a mx = 0.75 cell with much smaller intrinsic emittance which provides phase slippage for sextupoles pairs, so that one arc corrects all phases of chromaticity. Then: - chromatic function Wx < 20 everywhere - b and a variation with particle momentum are close to zero - larger dynamic aperture x-emittance vs x-phase advance/cell HER cells host 2 x 5.4 m long PEP-II dipoles LER cells host 4 x 0.45 m long PEP-II dipoles Final Focus in LER and HER have 18 PEPII-HER type bends each P. Raimondi, M. Biagini (LNF)

Final Focus for polarised HER Final Focus layout has been modified to be compatible with the insertion of Spin Rotators This is a better solution in terms of dynamic properties and two-rings layout Other options are still not excluded and need additional studies IP Crab Sextupole Öb in half FF from IP to beginning of ARC It is essentil that the chromaticity of the FF is corrected before the crab sextupole

Ring b-functions, FF included, Spin Rotators not included Straights in the middle of the Arcs can host RF, injection, wigglers (in case needed)

LER Dynamic Aperture tune scan Before the IR sextupoles optimization Strong sextupoles (mainly vertical) in IR are the major source of DA limitation, due to –I phase advance detuning for “long” sextupoles  DA recovered by adding weak correction sextupoles (strength <10% of the main ones) Tune point optimization should be done together with the beam-beam simulation and the luminosity/lifetime optimization Blue – arc sextupoles alone Red – IR sextupoles optimized Black – arc and optimized IR sextupoles together. Additional optimization is necessary After the IR sextupoles optimization E. Levichev, P. Piminov (BINP)

IR design QD0 design of new conception QD0 & QF1 are SC and M. Sullivan (SLAC) With a larger crossing angle (60 mrad total) beams are far enough apart at 0.35 m from the IP to have enough space to install a PM, in front of QD0, for LER which needs more focusing QD0 design of new conception QD0 & QF1 are SC and share same cryostat Compensating solenoids are included

R&D on SC Quadrupoles at the IP E. Paoloni (Pisa), S. Bettoni (CERN) Total field in black LER HER Latest design: Q & qq Coils

Polarization in HER Polarization of one beam is included either energy beam could be polarized LER less expensive, HER easier (HER was chosen) Longitudinal polarization times and short beam lifetimes indicate a need to inject vertically polarized electrons plan is to use SLC polarized e- gun There are several possible IP spin rotators: solenoids look better (vertical bends give unwanted vertical emittance growth) Expected longitudinal polarization at IP ~ 85%(inj) x 95%(ring) = 80%(effective) U. Wienands (SLAC) Spin rotator with solenoids and bends

HER with spin rotator Y. Nosochov, W. Wittmer (SLAC) Introduced spin rotators on both sides of IP in HER to provide longitudinal polarized electrons at IP and maintain the chromatic characteristic of the original design necessary for the crab waist scheme, band width and dynamic aperture Bends have opposite sign w.r.t. IP for spin transparency condition New rings layout

Layout: PEP-II magnets reuse Lmag (m) 0.45 5.4 PEP HER - 194 PEP LER SBF HER 130 SBF LER 224 18 SBF Total 148 Needed 30 HER with spin rotators Dipoles Available Needed Quads Lmag (m) 0.56 0.73 0.43 0.7 0.4 PEP HER 202 82 - PEP LER 353 SBF HER 165 108 2 SBF LER 88 SBF Total 253 216 4 Needed 51* 134 Lmag (m) 0.25 0.5 PEP HER/LER 188 - SBF Total 372 4 Needed 184 Sexts All PEP-II magnets can be used, dimensions and fields are in range RF requirements are met by the present PEP-II RF system

SuperB site choices University of Tor Vergata Campus: green field SPARX-I SuperB Linac SPARX-II Det. Hall SuperB rings C ~ 2.1 km University of Tor Vergata Campus: green field C ~ 1.4 km Injector Det. Hall Frascati National Laboratories: existing infrastructures

SuperB Injector layout SHB L - 0.8 GeV 5.7 GeV 0.1GeV 0.8 GeV e+ DR A B D C > 4/7 GeV PS GUN ≈ 70 m. ≈ 320 m. ≈ 60 m. ≈ 400 m. β e- DR α g R SuperB Injector layout Polarised SLC electron gun 2 Damping Rings S-band Linacs Positron converter Cycle: 16 Hz e- injection, 16 Hz e+ production, 16 Hz e+ injection R. Boni, S. Guiducci (LNF), J. Seeman (SLAC)

Lattice studies toward a more compact layout Optimized Arc lattice and DA with mx=0.75, my=0.25 in all ARC cells Just two Arcs left with 21 Cells each (from 4 Arcs*14cells) 30% Fewer sexts: sext-nosext-sext-sext-nosext-sext etc… Arc DA further increased since all sextupoles are at –I in both planes (although x and y sextupoles are nested) Emittance smaller and adjustable by varying the b and h in the ARCs Magnet spacing now fits with the PEP-II hardware (6% lengthening) Damping time 5% shorter than previous design Integrated the CDR FF (the shortest) with the shortest lattice Emittance 20% higher than design HER power 20% higher than design With reduced HER energy (6.7 GeV), emittance and power down by 20% With Spin Rotators in LER (4.18 GeV)  ring about 1.32 Km long Possible to consider a different site for this layout P. Raimondi, M. Biagini (LNF)

Arcs + FF (no SR) Straights in the middle of the Arcs are missing (not required for optics properties, but can be added if needed for RF, Injection etc…) More compact FF, angle readjusted to match the bending required for polarization SPIN Rotators can be included just after crab sextupoles, outside FF

Collaboration is welcome TDR topics list Injection System Polarized gun damping rings spin manipulators linac positron converter beam transfer systems Collider design Two rings lattice Polarization insertion IR design beam stay clear ultra-low emittance tuning detector solenoid compensation coupling correction orbit correction stability beam-beam simulations beam dynamics and instabilities single beam effects operation issues injection scheme RF System RF specifications RF feedbacks Low level RF Synchronization and timing Site Civil construction Infrastructures & buildings Power plants Fluids plants Radiation safety Magnets Design of missing magnets Refurbishing existing magnets Field measurements QD0 construction Power supplies Injection kickers Mechanical layout and alignment Injector supports Vacuum system Arcs pipe Straights pipe IR pipe e-cloud remediation electrodes bellows impedance budget simulations pumping system Diagnostics Beam position monitors Luminosity monitor Current monitors Synchrotron light monitor R&D on diagnostics for low emittance Feedbacks Transverse Longitudinal Orbit Luminosity Electronics & software Control system Architecture Design Peripherals Collaboration is welcome on all these items !!! 31

Super-KEKB (“Italian” scheme) The upgrade of KEKB was based on pushing the beam currents to extremely high and hard to reach values (9.4 A on 4.1 A). Corresponding required electric power was more than double of present KEKB one. Moreover tune shifts values jumped to incredibly high values Recently it was decided to adopt for SuperKEKB the SuperB collision scheme and beam parameters, in order to overcome beam current and tune shifts issues The new scheme, so called “nanobeams” or “Italian” will allow to reach 8x1035 cm-2s-1 with a big restyling of the two rings (most of magnets and all beam pipe replaced, new damping ring, etc...). “Crab waist” sextupoles are an option Some R&D money has been provided for this year Governement approval, if any, of the upgrade is expected before end of this year If approved, operation is expected to start by end of 2013, if KEKB will be shutdown in March 2010

Super-KEKB Italian scheme SuperB and Super-KEKB Parameter Units SuperB Super-KEKB old scheme Super-KEKB Italian scheme Energy (L/H) GeV 4x7 3.5x8 Luminosity 1036/ cm2/s 1.0 0.5 to 0.8 0.8 Beam currents (L/H) A 2.x2. 9.4x4.1 3.8x2.18 Nbunches (L/H) 1250 5000 2230 ey* (L/H) pm 7/4 240/90 33.6/10.7 ex* (L/H) nm 2.8/1.6 24/18 2.8/2 by* (L/H) mm 0.21/0.37 3. bx* (L/H) cm 3.5/2.0 20. 4.4/2.5 sz (L/H) 5/5 5/3 Crossing angle (full) mrad 60. 30. to 0. RF power (AC line) MW 18 90 50 Tune shifts (L/H) 0.125/0.126 0.3/0.51 0.081/0.081

DAFNE Collaboration Team DAFNE with LPA & CW D. Alesini, M. E. Biagini, C. Biscari, R. Boni, M. Boscolo, F. Bossi, B. Buonomo, A. Clozza, G. Delle Monache, T. Demma, E. Di Pasquale, G. Di Pirro, A. Drago, A. Gallo, A. Ghigo, S. Guiducci, C. Ligi, F. Marcellini, G. Mazzitelli, C. Milardi, F. Murtas, L. Pellegrino, M. Preger, L. Quintieri, P. Raimondi, R. Ricci, U. Rotundo, C. Sanelli, M. Serio, F. Sgamma, B. Spataro, A. Stecchi, A. Stella, S. Tomassini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Zobov (INFN/LNF, Italy), I. Koop, E. Levichev, P. Piminov, D. Shatilov, V. Smaluk (BINP, Russia), S. Bettoni (CERN, Switzerland), K. Ohmi (KEK, Japan), N. Arnaud, D. Breton, P. Roudeau, A. Stocchi, A. Variola, B. F. Viaud (LAL, France), M. Esposito (Rome1 Univ., Italy), E. Paoloni (Pisa Univ., Italy), P. Branchini (Roma3 Univ., Italy), M. Schioppa (INFN-Cosenza, Italy) , P. Valente (INFN-Roma, Italy) DAFNE Collaboration Team

LPA & CW at upgraded DAFNE Physics Program Beam Dynamics Fitted DAFNE schedule (shut down for SIDDHARTA installation) Satisfied new physics programs (SIDDHARTA, KLOE2, FINUDA) Required moderate modifications Relatively low cost (1 MEuro) No detector solenoidal field No splitter magnets No compensating solenoids No parasitic crossings Lower beam impedance (simpler IR, new bellows, new injection kickers) DAFNE upgraded for Siddharta experiment at end 2007 New collision scheme implemente Several new components installe Geometry of rings slightly changed Siddharta final detector installed in Sep. ’08 New machine

Beam profiles @IP and new parameters DAFNE (KLOE run) DAFNE (KLOE run) DAFNE Upgrade Ibunch (mA) 13 Nbunch 110 by* (cm) 1.8 0.85 bx* (cm) 160 26 sy* (mm) 5.4 low curr 3.1 sx* (mm) 700 260 sz (mm) 25 20 Horizontal tune shift 0.04 0.008 Vertical tune shift 0.055 qcross (mrad) (half) 12.5 FPiwinski 0.45 2.0 L (cm-2s-1) 1.5x1032 5x1032 DAFNE Upgrade 3 times more luminosity obtained just with 3 times smaller vertical beam

High current operation Main hardware upgrades have been implemented to improve the stored current: Fast kickers Feedback upgrade Lower impedance vacuum chamber Solenoid windings for e-cloud suppression Brand new IRs: one is for collision, in the other the 2 beams are completely separated

Siddharta Interaction Region

New fast injection kickers New stripline injection kickers with 5.4 ns pulse length to reduce perturbation on stored beam Higher maximum stored currents Improved stability of colliding beams during injection Less backgrounds, data acquisition during injection possible Old pulse length ~150ns t VT FWHM pulse length ~5.4 ns 50 bunches 3 bunches

Bunch lengthening in upgraded vacuum chamber Charge Distribution old new

LPA & CW Optics Commissioning Lot of work done to match optics (main problems from IP-Permanent Magnets out of specs w.r.t. gradients) Well established proper CW optics requirements between Sextupoles and IP Sextupoles alignment procedure in single beam mode: turn on one sextupole at the time, measure the tune shift and move the orbit: horizontally until no tune shift is observed vertical until no coupling change is observed on Synchrotron Light Monitor Verified that turning ON both sextupoles there are NO effects on: Tunes Coupling Lifetime Background Finally crab sextupoles were turned on in collision…

Crab Waist works: first experimental evidence Crab Sextupoles on all the time since the first time they were tested

Luminosity vs I+I- Data averaged on a full day by*=9mm, FP=1.9 Luminosity [1028 cm-2 s-1] by*=18mm, FP=0.6 by*=9mm, FP=1.9 by*=25mm, FP=0.3 LPA alone gives more luminosity Data averaged on a full day

Specific L vs I+I- by*=9mm, FP=1.9 Specific Luminosity [1028 cm-2 s-1] Same beam sizes and specific luminosity at low current with an without Crab Sextupoles by*=25mm, FP=0.3 by*=18mm, FP=0.6 by*=9mm, FP=1.9

Present performances Peak Luminosity (cm-2s-1) I- (A) I+ Nbunches Int. L /hour (pb-1) Int. L /day Wall plug power (MW) KLOE* 1.52x1032 1.55 1.25 110 0.44 9.83 6 Siddharta# 4.5x1032 1.4 1.1 105 1.02 15 4 * before upgrade LPA&CW # after upgrade LPA&CW Wigglers field was also reduced (less damping needed since beam-beam is smaller) in order to save on running cost Performances are still limited because of “standard problems” as: - e-cloud - Ion trapping - RF stability We hope to further reduce their impact on the performances and gain in peak currents and in Luminosity at a given current

Conclusions (1) SuperB parameters are being optimized around 1036 cm-2 s-1 A baseline SuperB lattice with spin rotators has been designed for the Tor Vergata site Beam-beam and dynamic aperture calculations are in progress, strong-strong simulations are encouraging Beam loading, RF parameters, have been studied and look ok Injection and feedback system designs are in good shape Among several other studies another lattice is under consideration for the LNF site option A Mini-MAC has endorsed the SuperB design Planning for a Technical Design Report is started INFN intends to start MOU’s with labs and agencies to officially support the project and the TDR phase A governement decision expected by end of this year

Conclusions (2) LPA & CW scheme is promising to push forward the high luminosity frontier for storage rings colliders Tests on adapting an existing machine, DAFNE, have been very successfull A B-Factory based on such a scheme could give yet another two orders of magnitude jump in luminosity goal Other machines and projects might benefit as well (KEKB, BEPc, LHC, Super-t (Novosibirsk)), however its implementation on existing layouts is not trivial