Building a Professional Learning Community Foundation
Why do we exist? The First Pillar : Mission / Purpose Why do we exist as an educational community? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The First Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to why we exist as an educational community. Have each member share at their table, what they believe to be the reasons we exist. Make sure that they put place their responses on the wall. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
The First Pillar : Mission / Purpose Clarity of purpose should be the goal of any mission statement. Our mission gives focus to the question, “Why do we exist?” Why do we exist as an educational community? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The First Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to why we exist as an educational community. Have each member share at their table, what they believe to be the reasons we exist. Make sure that they put place their responses on the wall. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
1) Clarified what students WILL learn. Mission Statements Traditional School PLC School 1) Generic 1) Clarified what students WILL learn. 2) States that “all kids can learn.” 2) Specifies response when students do not learn
End of part I….
What do we hope to become? The Second Pillar : Vision What do we hope to become? What do we hope to become? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The Second Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to what we hope to become as an educational community. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
The Second Pillar : Vision If there is a spark of genius in the leadership function at all it must be in this transcending ability, a kind of magic, to assemble – out of all the variety of images, signals, forecasts and alternatives – a clearly articulated vision of the future that is at once single, easily understood, clearly desirable and energizing! Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus What do we hope to become? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The Second Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to what we hope to become as an educational community. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
Vision Statements Traditional Schools PLC Schools 1) Consensus of opinions 1) Research based 2) Deteriorates into a wish list 2) Credible, focuses on essentials 3) Dictated 3) A blueprint for improvement 4) Ignored
Effective Vision Statements… Are based on background and research. Are desirable, feasible, and credible. Clarify directions and priorities. Are easily communicated. Are developed collectively.
End of Part 2….
How must we behave in order to make our shared vision a reality? The Third Pillar : Values How must we behave in order to make our shared vision a reality? How must we behave in order to make our shared vision a reality? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The Third Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to how we must behave in order to make our shared vision a reality. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
Values are the link between emotion and behavior, the connection between what we feel and what we do…With everything changing around us we need something unchanging… to hang on to…Values are our moral navigational devices. ~James Champy
Values describe how we intend to operate on a day-to-day basis as we pursue our vision. Peter Senge, 1992
Values are the commitments that everyone must make in order for our school to reach its vision.
Shared Examples of Values We will identify the essential outcomes of each grade level and help each student to achieve those outcomes. We will teach for understanding, frequently assessing students’ understanding and providing a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery.
Tips for Developing Shared Values Keep them few in number. Link the statements directly to the vision statement. Be direct. Focus on behaviors and not beliefs. Focus on yourselves rather than others (We will…)
Value Statements 1) Focus on “beliefs” or “attitudes” Traditional School PLC School 1) Focus on “beliefs” or “attitudes” 1) Focus on behaviors 2) Often unstated 2) Stated explicitly 3) Focus on changing others 3) Focus on changing ourselves
End of Part 3….
Which steps will we take first, and when? The Fourth Pillar : Goals Which steps will we take first, and when? Which steps will we take first, and when? On your table, there is an envelope with the inscription, “The Fourth Pillar” written on it. Each person take one of the sheets from that packet and take a few moments to reflect upon your personal perspective as to which step we will need to take first and when. Note: Make the packets and get PR to make a large sign to post on the wall.
Things to remember when setting goals: Effective goals will specify: EXACTLY what is to be accomplished. The specific steps that will be taken to achieve the goal. The individual or group responsible for initiating and/or sustaining each step toward achieving the goal. The timeline for each phase of the activity. The criteria to be used in evaluating progress toward the goal.
Goals should be: Clearly linked to the vision. Limited in number (five or fewer) to ensure focus. Focused on the desired outcome rather than on the means to achieve the outcome. Translated into clear, measurable, performance standards. Monitored continuously. Designed to produce some short-term wins. Understood and accepted as significant by all parties.
Goal Statements Traditional School PLC School 1) Random 1) Linked to vision 2) Excessive 2) Few in number 3) Focus on means – not ends 3) Focus on desired outcome 4) Impossible to assess 4) Measurable performance standards 5) Not monitored 5) Monitored continuously Produce short term wins and stretch ambitions