UNDERSTANDING COMMON CORE MATH Edwin Rhodes Elementary March 16, 2015 This is a generic ppt for your school to use and modify to fit the needs of your parents and students.
AGENDA Common Core Math Instructional Shifts Understanding Math Shifts Math Curriculum Online Resources
INSTRUCTIONAL MATH “SHIFTS” Greater focus on fewer topics Coherence –linking topics and thinking across grade levels Rigor –conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and real world applications Why is Math Different? The math video is also listed on the CVUSD website under the Parent and School Partnership link ---CCSS Math Resources for Parents. Link your website to this important parent link today!
Always add visuals to your ppt for families to “SEE” the work.
Why MATH Shifts May Seem Hard It makes parents feel less knowledgeable People dislike change Common Core has become highly politicized Some parents may have oppositional relationship with teacher Reasonable approach: take a few minutes to learn alongside your child.
UNDERSTANDING MATH SHIFTS Focus Not mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum but rather narrow and deepen the way time and energy are spent in the classroom: Grades K-2: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to addition and subtraction Grades 3-5: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to multiplication and division of whole numbers and fractions Grade 6: Ratios and proportional relationships and early algebraic expressions and equations Grade 7: Ratios and proportional relationships and arithmetic of rational numbers Grade 8: Linear algebra and linear functions This is a perfect place to insert “real-life” mini lessons or have parents break into grade level groups and have teacher leaders model a lesson or grade level concepts.
UNDERSTANDING MATH SHIFTS Coherence Math is a coherent body of knowledge made up of interconnected concepts Standards are designed around coherent progressions from grade to grade Carefully connected across grades to students can build new understanding from previous years Coherence built into standards by reinforcing major topics by utilizing supporting topics Using this slide as a jumping off point, show examples of interconnected concepts and the spiraling from grade to grade. Use your publisher’s information to provide this. Talk about teacher collaboration across the grade levels in working together to connect math concepts from grade to grade at your school.
UNDERSTANDING MATH SHIFTS Rigor Rigor is deep, authentic command of mathematical concepts Three aspects or rigor to pursue with equal intensity: Conceptual understanding: more than a set of procedures (Why? Explain. How do you know? Describe.) Procedural skills and fluency: speed and accuracy Real world application: applying mathematical knowledge in situations
Online Resources Chino Valley Unified – Parent and School Partnership http://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/10347 Family Math Resources (K-5) Utah Dept of Education: http://www.schools.utah.gov/CURR/mathelem/Resources.aspx (parent guides, teacher videos explaining) Family Math Resources (6-12) San Francisco Unified SD: http://www.sfusdmath.org/families--community.html Family Math Resources (K-12) Common Core Conversation: http://www.commoncoreconversation.com/math-resources.html#sthash.y5MkhYgm.Jv1otKFF.dpbs There are literally thousands of CCSS Math websites. Suggestion: query your staff and find the best ones that meet your community’s needs and provide a handout for the parents to take home.
Additional School Support Teachers Excellence Academy IXL JiJi Math (grades 2-4) Parent Workshops Computer Lab for SBAC practice and exploration This slide can be modified to fit whatever CCSS supports you are providing at your school.
Thank you! Questions? Email: Chancellor: Tracy_Freed@chino.k12.ca.us Dean: Sharon_Wright@chino.k12.ca.us Or email your Scholar’s Professor
Breakouts K – Room 2 1st/2nd – Room 6 3rd – Room 12 4th – Room 14 Also provide email addresses on this slide so parents know who to contact at the school for further CCSS information.