Learning Objective ‘The Sign of Four’ Understand the course content. Begin to understand the ingredients of ‘The Sign of Four’.
This comes at the beginning of next year ‘Macbeth’ This comes at the beginning of next year ‘The Sign of Four’ Carousel lessons
Note how this is written – where the inverted commas and capital letters are. ‘The Sign of Four’ ‘The Sign of Four’ is a Sherlock Holmes novel written by Arthur Conan Doyle. Today you will be getting a copy of the novel – look after it and return it after your examination in Year 11.
Sherlock Holmes THINK – PAIR - SHARE How much do you know about Sherlock Holmes novels / stories already? Create a spider diagram from feedback.
Sherlock Holmes ‘The Sign of Four’ Watch this… www.youtube.com/watch?v=93cQxkkBUfw What else to you learn about Sherlock Holmes stories? Add to your Sherlock Holmes spider diagram during and after watching.
Sherlock Holmes ‘The Sign of Four’ Watch this… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8LWfc29J_E Think about: Setting Characters Atmosphere What does this mean?
Learning Objective ‘The Sign of Four’ Understand the course content. Begin to understand the ingredients of ‘The Sign of Four’.
Sherlock Holmes ‘The Sign of Four’ Summarise your learning so far. What have you learnt today about Sherlock Holmes? Write a 20 – 50 word summary.
The detective story and its structure Learning Objective – To examine the conventions of the detective novel Question What do you think are the elements of the classic detective story?
Task – List the conventions here – put them into your own words rather than just copying them down
Elements of the classic detective mystery A crime Setting – often an isolated place so there is a small number of suspects Characters – usually a relatively small number of characters many of whom appear to have a motive for the crime Plot structure – author deliberately plants ‘red herrings’ (false clues) to confuse the reader The detective – very intelligent The detective’s friend – normally not as intelligent so allows the detective to explain his reasoning The innocent accused The police – contrast between the methods of the police and the detective Delayed denouncement – suspense so that we don’t find out until the end The climax – final dramatic explanation The fate of the guilty person – some sort of justice Task – List the conventions here – put them into your own words rather than just copying them down
Plenary Look back at your 20 – 50 word summary from earlier. Add to it (another 20 – 50 words) a summary of a detective novel. How are the two summaries you have done during this lesson similar and different?
Homework ‘The Sign of Four’ was published in 1890 and set in 1888. Should - Find 5 facts about London in 1888. Could – Find 5 mores facts about Sherlock Holmes (something that you have not learnt during today’s lesson). Might – Find 5 more facts about 19th Century detective novels (something that you have not learnt during today’s lesson)