Modelisation of control of SuperB Common Front-End Electronics Christophe Beigbeder, Dominique Breton, Jihane Maalmi
Constraints concerning the Trigger Trigger window : Long latency (~ 5 µs ?) + jitter, due to machine and detector constraints, >> potentiallly large trigger window (1µs max) for data readout - The Trigger Window could be reduced depending on the sub-detector in order to optimize the dataflow: It should be fixed but programmable in the FEE Consecutive Triggers : - No minimum distance fixed at the architecture level. - Min ~ 100 ns (highly probable) due to the time precision of trigger. - No limitation fixed for their number in a burst. => Those constraints should only depend on the trigger system itself Problems : - Two consecutive physics events may reside within the trigger time window (overlapping). - For detectors with slow signals (like EMC barrel), physics events may sit on the queue of large background events (pile-up) FEE should be able to deal with close triggers (Overlapping), and send data in consequence (reducing the size of posterior events) Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
General Architecture proposed for SuperB Electronics Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Simulation of synchronous model The FCTS sends a L1 trigger command optionally associated with a value corresponding to a time window. The FEE sends to the DAQ (ROM) the data contained inside a readout window, embedded in a frame including status, trigger tag and time, and length of data field. Trigger is defined by three parameters: - The latency: L (fixed in the FEE) - The readout window: W (fixed in the FEE and sub-detector dependent) - The time distance between triggers: D (measured in the FEE) Constraints : - No dead time in data processing - Triggers with overlapping windows - Dealing with going back in time (explained farther) - Triggers with optional variable width windows
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Parameter Definition t0 L1 Trigger #0 Data to keep Data to dump L W Time M Baseline: latency pipeline always provides the oldest relevant data L: fixed latency W: window containing the relevant data for trigger #0 M: data sent to ROM Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Synchronous Model with a fixed readout window L : Latency W : Window D : Distance between triggers M : data sent to ROM Case 1 : D ≥ W Trigger #0 Trigger #1 D Non overlapping latencies with 2 different windows (green): no problem M1 = W L D ≥ L W W M0 M1 Trigger #0 Trigger #1 Overlapping latency trigger with overlapping windows: trickier … The window W1 is then shortened! M1 = W – (W – D)= D Case 2 : D < W D W M0 W M1 Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Synchronous Model : Dealing with Overlapping Case 1 : Dn ≥ W : Mn = W Case 2 : Dn < W : Mn = Dn Mn : amount of data to send to ROM for trigger #n Trigger input Counter Dn Dn ≥ W? Clock 56 MHz W Fifo “M” !empty M U X Mn FSM W end enable W Mn Counter Registers L All 56 MHz synchronous pipelined operations Start_flag, Mn to serializer Wr_en Data input Latency Pipeline EVT_BUFFER L Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Synchronous Model : Problem with Physics on a Bhabha’s tail Bhabha (not triggered) physics Trigger W’ L W M W’: extra window to go back in time Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
All 56 MHz synchronous pipelined operations Synchronous Model : Fixed readout window with back jump Case 1 : Dn ≥ W : Mn = W ( + W’) Case 2 : Dn < W : Mn = Dn ( + W’) Mn : amount of data to send to ROM for trigger #n Go_back_in_time Go_back_in_time Trigger input Latency W’ Dn Counter Dn ≥ W? W Fifo “M” !empty M U X M U X Mn FSM W end A D enable W’ Mn Counter All 56 MHz synchronous pipelined operations registers L Start_flag, Mn, go_back W to serializer Wr_en Data input Latency Pipeline EVT_BUFFER L + W’ Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Synchronous Model : Physics on a Bhabha’s tail itself on physics tail … Bhabha (not triggered) They see me!! and me too! physics physics Trigger x Trigger W’ L W W M D D = W + W ’- x M = (W’-x) +W= D – W + W = D M = D … still works! Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009 Overview of common FEE Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Finite State Machine details rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 0 St0 fifo_empty = 0 St1 rd_fifo = 1 en_counter = 0 end_counter = 1 & fifo_empty = 0 end_counter = 1 & fifo_empty = 1 St2 Outputs : rd_fifo en_counter Inputs : fifo_empty end_counter rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 0 St3 rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 1 end_counter = 0 & fifo_empty = 1 end_counter = 0 & fifo_empty = 0 rd_fifo = 1 en_counter = 1 St4 end_counter = 1 end_counter = 0 rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 0 St7 end_counter = 0 St5 end_counter = 1 St6 rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 1 rd_fifo = 0 en_counter = 1
Event Reconstruction (ROM or PC?) wr_add rd_add Wr_en Rd_en Data from FEE Dataout from RAM RAM Event Data Dataout to serialiser Start_flag rd_add Go_back New_Start_flag Manager mn New_Go_back wn New_mn wr_add New_wn Jihane Maalmi - CERN - November 09th 2009
Verilog behavioral simulation results (1) 1- General view 2- single trigger
Verilog behavioral simulation results (2) 3- Overlapping case 4- Go back in time case + overlapping windows
Verilog behavioral simulation results (3) 5- Overlapping burst
Conclusion This solutions seems to cover all the requirements. Assuming that the L1 central trigger processor is able to easily produce triggers with a “fixed” latency: - Like in Babar, the only necessary information to send to the FEE is the trigger tag (a few bits). - This solution permits dealing with event overlapping and backing up in time.