Wassenaar Arrangement 20th Anniversary Practical Workshop Vienna, 27-28 June 2015 What is the Wassenaar Arrangement? Ambassador Philip Griffiths Head of Secretariat www.wassenaar.org
WA PURPOSES To contribute to regional and international security and stability by: Promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods & Technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations; Preventing acquisition by terrorists. Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement WA BASIC COMMITMENTS Effective Export Controls at the National Level Munitions List Dual-Use List Information Exchange General & Specific Assists licensing and enforcement officers Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement WA HISTORY 19 December 1995 - Agreement to establish the Wassenaar Arrangement at a High-Level Meeting at Wassenaar, the Netherlands Agreement to locate the Secretariat in Vienna 12-13 December 1996 – First Plenary Meeting of operational WA held in Vienna with 33 founding members Wassenaar Arrangement
41 WA PARTICIPATING STATES Wassenaar Arrangement
& related goods & technologies WMD and means of delivery WHERE DOES THE WASSENAAR ARRANGEMENT FIT? Conventional arms & related goods & technologies WA: Wassenaar Arrangement (Conventional) AG: Australia Group (Chemical & Biological) MTCR: Missile Technology Control Regime (Missiles) NSG: Nuclear Suppliers Group (Nuclear) ZC: Zangger Committee (Nuclear) WMD and means of delivery non-proliferation Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement WA STRUCTURE Plenary Overall decision-making body, 2016 Chair Finland General Working Group Policy and administrative issues, 2016 Chair Sweden Experts Group Control Lists, 2015-2016 Chair Lithuania Licensing and Enforcement Officers Meeting Practical implementation, 2016 Chair Norway Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement WA CONTROL LISTS Munitions List (approx. 300 entries): Components, accessories, ammunition, production equipment, etc. Dual-Use List (approx. 1,000 entries): Sensitive List (170 entries) Very Sensitive List (80 entries) “Catch-all” - Non-listed dual-use items Wassenaar Arrangement
TRANSPARENCY – INFORMATION EXCHANGE & REPORTING General Information Exchange To develop common understandings of risks To assess the scope for policy coordination Specific Information Exchange National reporting requirements – certain transfers and all dual-use denials WAIS – dedicated secure electronic network Wassenaar Arrangement
BEST PRACTICES GUIDELINES, ELEMENTS & PROCEDURES Non-binding guidance for national implementation of export controls Available on the WA website Licensing and Enforcement Officers exchange implementation experiences Wassenaar Arrangement
BEST PRACTICES GUIDELINES For example: Elements for Effective Legislation on Arms Brokering (2003) Implementing Intangible Transfers of Technology Controls (2006) Internal Compliance Programmes for Dual-Use Goods and Technologies (2011) Subsequent Transfer (Re-export) Controls for Conventional Weapons Systems (2011) Introduction to End User/End Use Controls for Exports of Military-List Equipment (2014) Wassenaar Arrangement
RECENT WA GUIDELINES OUTCOMES Best Practice Guidelines for Transit or Trans- shipment: List of tools to help identify and mitigate risk of illicit diversion Elements for the Effective Fulfilment of National Reporting Requirements Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement OUTREACH Collective briefings Bilateral dialogue/visits International conferences, including industry/ academia Other relevant organisations Modernised WA website Wassenaar Arrangement
ARMS TRADE TREATY (ATT) Wide-spread international acceptance of the need for export controls on conventional arms Goals of the ATT align with those of the WA WA members ready to share their experience and expertise with other states Wassenaar Arrangement
Wassenaar Arrangement OTHER WORK IN 2016 Internal Assessment of the WA’s overall effectiveness and efficiency WA’s 20th Anniversary Practical Workshop for non-WA countries, 27-28 June Special commemorative event at Plenary, 6 December Repackaging of public documents and outreach tools Wassenaar Arrangement