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Presentation transcript:

Source Based Questions Comparison Questions

We are learning to… Analyse complex sources of information Discuss how to reach a precise conclusion Write exam style answers to comparison style questions

Success Criteria I will analyse sources by breaking them down into manageable chunks. I will be follow the suggested answer structure for comparison questions.

Source-based Questions There are two different source based questions in the Higher Politics exam. “Comparison” Questions “To What Extent” Questions Both questions are worth 8 marks (16 marks available overall).

Comparison Questions Comparison Questions will only ever appear in Unit 1 (Political Theory) or Unit 2 (Political Systems) in the final exam. Two text based sources. Area/Issue of comparison will be stated in the question. Required to reach an overall conclusion on the issue as well.

Marking Scheme 2 marks can awarded for every accurate comparison made. These marks will be awarded based on use of evidence and appropriate commentary. The final two marks out of 8 are awarded for an overall (accurate) conclusion

What to look for? The question will state a theme that you are to make 3 comparisons about – stick to it! In your answer, show evidence which highlights a comparison (or contrast) between the sources. Compare = similarities Contrast = differences Key Point to note: For full marks you must refer to all sources in your answer.

Answering the question… Take 3 different colours of highlighter – one for each comparison. Read through both sources briefly and find the points of comparison. Now go back, one by one and look at each comparisons in more detail: Are the areas you have highlighted more similar or different? What is the implication of this similarity or difference? (Is one more powerful than the other? Are both an indicator of change?)

Higher Politics 2016 Q2 Difference Difference Difference Source A – UK Supreme Court UK Parliament is SOVEREIGN – Supreme Court cannot overturn primary legislation. UK Supreme Court highest court in the land but not for all criminal matters in Scotland. EU Court of HR can overturn Supreme Court decisions. Appointments to the UK Supreme Court are non-political and not seen as party based decisions. Little public interest generated. Appointments are free from political influence. Source B – US Supreme Court US Supreme Court has power of Judicial Review; it can overturn and invalidate laws passed by congress. US Supreme Court is final court of appeal and decisions cannot be overturned. Hears both Federal and State cases that have progressed through the courts system. Appointments to the US Supreme Court are major political decisions. Seen by many as the most significant decision a President will make due to the long-lasting impact. Supreme Court judge is increasingly believed to be a political appointment. Difference Difference Difference

Writing the answer… Follow this paragraph structure for all 3 points of comparison: Provide evidence from both sources. Make an analytical comment, highlighting if a similarity or difference is clear. In the USA, the Supreme Court has the power of Judicial Review and can overturn laws passed by Congress as well as reviewing the actions of the executive branch (Source B). In contrast, the UK Supreme Court cannot overturn primary legislation passed by Parliament although it can review secondary legislation and the actions of Government (Source A). The US Supreme Court is therefore in a much more powerful position as it can override laws passed by the legislative branch of government, making some of the most important political decisions in the USA. In the UK, it is the Parliament who is Sovereign and therefore the Supreme Court does not have the power to block legislation.

Writing the answer… The final two marks are gained for an overall conclusion. In this conclusion you should: summarise overall whether the countries/systems etc are more similar or different highlight why you have came to that conclusion. Overall, the US Supreme Court has a much higher status than in the UK. Unlike the UK Supreme Court it is undoubtedly the single highest court and its decisions are effectively final. It can invalidate laws passed by the legislature unlike in the UK and the appointment process is also much more important decision as reflected by the role of the executive and legislative branches in appointing justices.