The Excellent Teacher Programme Outline of the Programme


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Presentation transcript:

The Excellent Teacher Programme Outline of the Programme

The Excellent Teacher Programme Contents Intended Audience Delivery Method School Designed and Delivered Triad Programme Programme Content & Outcomes Course Impacts

Intended Audience The ETP is for teachers who are at least Good all of the time and have recorded evidence of teaching excellence within their school. Participants will be expected to lead and inspire others to excellent teaching within their own school, across schools in South East Wales and beyond. This programme is designed for those who aspire to be always excellent, innovative and inspiring to others. The perfect model of delivery will engage three teachers from the same school. Where this is not possible teachers will be placed into triads based upon geographical location.

Delivery Method A school-based programme – delivered in schools, by serving teachers and leaders with a track-record of excellence. The programme is a cross-phase model involving both primary and secondary participants and led by primary and secondary facilitators. The sessions are as follows: Session 1 – Twilight & Intro to Excellence programme Sessions 2,3,4 – Full days, incorporating topics, research & discussion Session 5 – Twilight – 4 month impact evaluation There will be a period of one week between Sessions 1,2 & 3 and then two weeks until Session 4 to allow for triad-based developments. Participants will be expected to complete an impact report after 4 months.   They will then be invited to take part in ‘ETP TeachMeet’ events to continue to collaborate and share effective practice and pedagogical principles.

Glan Usk Primary School, Newport School-Delivered Glan Usk Primary School, Newport

Participant Head Teacher Triad Programme A practice driven programme based on the following roles: Overseas Visit Participant Head Teacher Triad Research Facilitator

Programme Content Non-negotiables and Golden Threads The Main Topics Evaluate, challenge and reflect upon your own and others practice. The use of reflection and global research to develop and share excellent practice. To use digital technology to support effective, collaborative practice. To use digital technology to support and share data & research. To undertake peer observations to support and develop excellence. The Main Topics Topics will provide teachers with the ability to draw upon previous pedagogical experience, using research and trialling to challenge techniques for excellence in their classrooms. Topics will include; - What is excellence? – Innovative practical strategies – Effective learning interventions – Visible Learning – A teaching and learning model – SOLO Taxonomy – Growth and fixed mind sets – Developing resilience – Digital Literacy – Challenge & Engagement

Outcomes and Benefits Outcomes and Benefits for the Triad As a result of the programme, participant teachers will: Engage at the highest level with teaching and learning design and delivery in schools, securing excellence in their teaching and developing excellence in others. Become highly effective, reflective and self-critical practitioners. Contribute to a culture of improvement and excellence in their own school. Receive full or partial funding for an International Learning visit. Outcomes and Benefits for Learners in School As a result of the programme, all types of learners in school will: Enjoy highly effective learning environments, showing high levels of engagement and motivation. Benefit from a wide range of challenging teaching and learning activities, with personalised and differentiated teaching. Make very good progress and have their progress effectively assessed and monitored.

Course Impacts As part of the programme participants will commit to sharing their journey and development within their own and other schools by engaging, sharing and recording changes in practice. They will also be offered the opportunity to develop their research and pedagogy further by undertaking formalised Level 7 courses to further challenge their expertise and share findings with colleagues. EAS will bid to the British Council on behalf of participants for funding to visit with and develop their practice further in an International environment.