Introduction to New Media The İnternet & Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 All online life By Khanim Javadova
Agenda The Internet (a short history) Youtube video Web 2.0 Web 2.0 Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0 Web 2.0 product
Internet stats about Azerbaijan
Web 2.0 2003-4/Tim O'Reilly/ Web 2.0 or social networking as terminology 2 main elements of Web 2.0 content: “Embed” chance- Web as communication infrastructure, the scope of participation, interactivity, collaborative learning and social networking The websites such as Facebook, Wikipedia, Blogger, Flickr, Youtube started to use Web 2.0 principles at 2000s that this in turn increased share of participation of users. The business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules of sucses on that new platform Tim- key thinker and promoter of web 2.0 Social networking media=web 2= alternative name
Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0
Web 2.0 product Many-2-many in their connectivity Decentralized –no control User focused, user-friendly Open codes regarding to tech standards and Apps “lightweight” design and friendly administrative rules Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer softwaredesigned to help the user to perform singular or multiple related specific tasks.
New Media? Web 2.0 – Collection of websites based on user generated content and new technologies. New Media – Collection of media tools based on the means of the İnternet and Web 2.0.
New Media: Basics Interactivity Virtuality Mobility Participation Personalisation Virtuality Digitality Virtual Reality Mobility Any Time, AnyWhere, AnyMedia
New Media: New form, new content Text hypertext, blog TV IP TV, Mobil TV, WebTV, Digital TV Radio User interactive Online Radio Book, Newspaper, Mag e-book, e-newspaper, e-mag Film Role Playing Game (RPG)
New Media journalism
The popular Web 2.0 tools Blog Microblog Social networks Podcasting Photosharing Vlog Wiki Social bookmarking Blog platformalar – internet gündəliklər açmağa kömək edən saytlar, Soisal şəbəkələr – İzaha ehtiyac yoxdur. MIsal: Wiki - Müəyyən məzmunu kollektiv formada, açıq şəkildə hazırlamağa imkan verən sayt prinsipi və sistemi. Misal: Paylaşım sistemləri – Müxtəlif növ məlumatları paylaşmaq üçün istifadə olunan xidmətlər,
What does it mean “blogging” or “blog”?
BLOG? Blogger The definition of blog Web 2.0 sharing Post blogosphere New Media sharing Post Blogger BLOG? hyperlink Web 2.0 Tag Opinion Dairy blogosphere
Blog: terminology Web + Log = Weblog Blog
Blog: a short history 1992- Tim Burners Lee (the first blogger) 1997- John Barger (“weblog”) 1999- Peter Merholz (“blog”) 1999- launched (Pyra Labs) 2003- Google bought Blogger Google started to advertise it: “BLOG THIS” 1992 - İlk bloqer Tim Bernes-Li (Vaşinqton Posta görə) 17 dekabr 1997 - “weblog” sözü Jorn Barger tərəfindən ortaya çıxarılıb. Aprel/May 1999 – “blog” sözü Peter Merholz tərəfindən istifadə edilib. 1999 – blog xidmətinə başlayıb. ( Pyra Labs ) Bir müddət sonra pulsuz xidmətə keçib. 2003 – Blogger, Google tərəfindən satın alındı. Google, alətlər çubuğu vasitəsilə Bloggeri reklam elədi. (blog this)
Types of blogs: Author: Theme: Personal Collective Corporative Dairy (general) Specialized
Types of blogs: Content: Technically: text Photoblog Videoblog/Vlog Podcasting/blogcasting Technically: Based on platform Private platform Mob-blog
Practical work: Let’s create ours one!
Thanks for attention! Khanim Javadova, trainer on social media/podcasting/Netizen New Media NGO Mob: (055) 746 6186 Skype: serqqizi