How it is my favorite game And what it is about Destiny How it is my favorite game And what it is about
Destiny year 1 What is destiny and why do I play it Destiny is a game the is an MMO (Massive multiplayer online) RPG (role playing game) and it is a game where you can choose the way you play weather that’s you go round patrolling the lands killing things doing strikes, raids and/or missions this is a game where you can do anything with your friends but there is a levelling system to the game that allows you to get to a max level of 40 and there is another levelling system that has sub-levelling that is called light that can go up to 400 it takes a long time to get to 400 and it can sometimes take an entire year and that then allows you to do anything that you want at anytime with any one you wish and it is a fun time to play when you get into the game it is slow to begin with
How I'm going to present the game 1) Video recording I am going to use an Elgato HD60 to captor some game footage and do a voice over it using one of my microphones e.g. my head-set or my Razer seiren microphone 2) Podcast – I can use some of the same audio from the video to go into the podcast. I can record any commentary from me in college on a USB mic as well