Squanto By Garrett Gannon
Background Info Name: Squanto Meaning: harvester Tribes: Pawtuxet and Wampanoag Birth and Death: 1580-1622
Early Life Squanto hunted deer on the west side of the mountain. Squanto went with the English sea captain and learned to speak English. Squanto ended up going to England.
Later Life Squanto went back home in 1619. Squanto help the English get food and water . In 1621 Squanto met the pilgrims and they almost died in the first winter at Plymouth Colony. Squanto joined the Wampanoag and the chief’s name was Massasoit.
Interesting Info Squanto was sold to Spain as a slave. Squanto died one year after the first Thanksgiving. Squanto was Christian. Squanto was the only educated Christian in the tribe.