Vocabulary: opinion, thesis Third Grade Week of: November 21st- Dec 2nd On November 21st, is Picture Retake Day. Nov. 23-25 Thanksgiving Break ( No School) Remember that if children have lost a personnel item, to please check the lost and found. Students are learning how unknown division facts be found using know multiplication facts. Math Vocabulary: fact, fact family, dividend, divisor, generalization, quotient 3rd Grade Students are using their grit to tackle complex texts (nonfiction) using prefixes, suffixes, pronouns, and figurative language to build an understanding of what the author is trying to communicate. We will be focusing on the Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Indians, and Squanto. Ask how they would have lived if they were a child at the first Thanksgiving? Students will learn the importance of these days and how it has contributed to the culture of our world. 116/119 Writers are organizing their expert topics into subtopics. Vocabulary: topics, subtopics, facts, sequential order, logical structure, table of contents, expository 115 writers are working on their persuasive unit. Vocabulary: opinion, thesis .We encourage you to have conversations with your child on their learning. Please revert to the bolded words in the newsletter.