Best for All: The Year of Implementation, Autumn Term Progress Report Friday December 1st 2017 Excel EdCentre
Meetings all pupils need in the best way possible Best for All, officially launched in July and the final version of the Strategy will be available in hard copy and on line by the end of November 2017. It will steer the work of all partners and stakeholders in the development of our collective approach to improving outcomes and removing barriers to learning for children and young people with SEND aged 0-25. Newham is proud of its inclusive tradition. Best for All aims to sustain this reputation by ensuring that changes proposed are about facilitating the increased complexity of need, making best use of resources and at the same time assuring an entitlement to progress in learning for all.
Seven Strands
Primary data We are using the 2017 census data throughout to inform planning for future need. The 2017 census data for Newham’s primary schools by SEN need type shows that: 34.31% of the total SEN population have identified Speech, Language and Communication Needs, (ranked 1st) compared with 31.91% in 2016 12.51% of the total SEN population have needs on the autistic spectrum, compared with 9.49% in 2016. 15.99% of the total SEN population have an SEMH need (ranked 2nd) compared with 17.62% in 2016 (ranked 2nd) 13.42% of the total SEN population have identified moderate learning difficulties (ranked 3rd), compared with 16.65% in 2016, (ranked 3rd)
Secondary data The 2017 census data for Newham’s secondary schools by SEN type shows that: 22.73% of the total SEN population have identified SEMH, (ranked 1st) compared with 23.56% in 2016 (ranked 2nd) 20.9% of the total SEN population have a moderate learning difficulty (ranked 2nd) compared with 24.05% in 2016 (ranked 1st) 19.12% of the total SEN population have Speech, language and Communication Needs (ranked 3rd), compared with 12.95% in 2016, (ranked 3rd) 6.85% of the total SEN population have needs on the autistic spectrum, compared with 5.91% in 2016
Implementation Year Activities
Early Years and Early Identification Ensure data sharing agreement is in place between health, education and social care for early years Develop a flowchart to clarify processes for identification, assessment, referral and points of involvement of parents Develop a Protocol for new arrivals Learning from pilot for Early help record and single fund process Clarify Funding arrangements for EYSEN Make sure the two year old checks are done Support the single front door/single process
Early Help The Early Help Service will become traded There is an expectation for all to use the SEN Early Help Record ( communication about this in September) This is still being worked up and will be trialled during the second half of next term ready for April implementation
Post 16 and preparing for adulthood
Specialist provision
Systems for delivering outcomes
Support Services
SEMH Review existing provision Develop a new offer specifically aimed at primary schools
Pupil Profiles
Expansion of specialist resourced provision
Resourced Provision criteria
Free Special School criteria
Best for All team members
Outputs to be delivered by April 2018 Specialist resource provisions, delivery plan for new places opening between September 2018 and September 2019 Dataset completed to facilitate review, analysis, planning, commissioning and quality assurance New funding, banding and threshold tools adopted Single front door and early help record implemented Unified support service launched Transition arrangements confirmed for all R, 6 and 11 HNF 3 and 4 pupils EHCP implementation plan to secure improved performance SENCO network refreshed and relaunched as principle communication and engagement forum Governance and co-production arrangements confirmed Free School applications reviewed and responded to