Social Pharmacy and Pharmacoeconomics 2/2 Summer Term 3rd Year, Academic Year 2016/2017 JamaSoft2017
Seminars Wednesdays 10:15 – 11:55, Room 409 JamaSoft2017
Every student has to elaborate the seminar report to 1 given and elected topic. The extent: about 10 normalised pages (format A4, font Times New Roman, spacing 1.5, text, tables, charts, references). JamaSoft2017
INSTRUCTIONS for seminar report. The student will have to - Deliver the report (in printed and boud form) and - Give an oral presentation of his seminar report. JamaSoft2017
2. Structure / how the contents is organised, The seminar report will be evaluated and it will have an influence on the final grade. Aspects to be considered in the evaluation are: 1. Contents, 2. Structure / how the contents is organised, 3. Language, is the report understandable, 4. References and the use of them, 5. Visual layout, pictures, tables, references. JamaSoft2017
Instructions for the oral presentation: 1. Delivery of the seminar report in printed form. 2. Length of the oral presentation about 15 minutes (10 minutes for the presentation and 3–5 minutes for the discussion. JamaSoft2017
Important dates and dead-lines: 10th Week (03.05.2017) Delivery of seminar reports. Starting the 11th Week (10.05.2017) seminar reports presentations. JamaSoft2017