November 27th – November 28th, 2017 Plant Structures November 27th – November 28th, 2017
Bellwork 11/27 Complete the bell work: What three factors affect the rate of photosynthesis? Once completed your bell work help pass out papers that we will be using today, PLANT ROAD MAP If you were absent pick up your work from last week At the end of the class handle over any missing assignments that need to be graded
Essential Question: How are plant organs related to their function? Agenda 11/27 Essential Question: How are plant organs related to their function? Complete Plant Reading Road Map Plant Brochure Exit Ticket HW: Finish Plant Brochure We will explain the three tissue systems and the functions of each using a road map. I will label and colored the plant structures. Learning Goal Identify the major plant organs and tissues to function: roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, cones. Diagram and label plant structures.
Reading Road Map SIMPLY FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS & the ARROWS!!Do NOT color anything until it tells you too!!! Pg 612 Read the definition of plants. Why would they say that MOST plants produce their own food through photosynthesis and not all? Some plants are carnivorous and must catch and digest their food You will have 20 minutes to complete your work. I will grade your work. This is independent work so work quietly and you can listen to your music.
Pg 614 Read the paragraph about Retaining Moisture. Reading Road Map Pg 614 Read the paragraph about Retaining Moisture. What 2 things do stomata allow the plant to do? Close to prevent water loss Open to allow air movement
Reading Road Map Pg 614 Read the paragraph about Reproducing on Land. On your flower picture draw seeds in the center of your flower in black or brown. Label it seeds.
What does the hard coat protect the embryo from? Wind and sunlight Reading Road Map What does a seed store? Plant embryo What does the hard coat protect the embryo from? Wind and sunlight
Reading Road Map Pg 621 Read the second paragraph. What is the cone used for? Reproduction How are the cones used for reproduction? There are male cones with pollen and female cones with eggs
Why does a plant need a flower? Reproduction Reading Road Map Page 622 Read the paragraph on Flowering Plants. Label the flower on your flower picture and color the petals your color choice. Why does a plant need a flower? Reproduction What part the flower is the fruit? Ovary
Bones Blood Reading Road Map Skin Protection Tissue Function Pg 642 Read about Dermal Tissue System, Ground Tissue system & Vascular tissue system. Fill in the chart as you read. Tissue Function Similar to… in humans Dermal Ground Vascular Skin Protection Support & storage of materials Bones Transport of materials throughout the plant Blood
Plant tissues are made of three basic cell types.
Xylem and Phloem
Reading Road Map Xylem: Pg 642 What is the function of xylem and phloem? Xylem: Tissue that carries water and nutrients from the roots to the rest of the plant. Phloem: Tissue that carries the products of photosynthesis (sugar) through the plant
Water and nutrients flow through vascular plant tissues Water and nutrients flow through vascular plant tissues. Tissues are divided into two parts: xylem and phloem. The xylem is located close to the center of the plant; it transports water. A well-known example of xylem is wood, which is how vascular bodies transport water and nutrients to the tops of trees. Also, the xylem consists of dead cells. The phloem, on the other hand, consists of living cells.The phloem is located close to the outside of the plant. The purpose of the phloem is to move organic substances to the upper reaches of the plant.
Reading Road Map video Pg 645 Read the second paragraph. On your flower picture draw water droplets and lines going into the air from the leaves to show transpiration. Label it transpiration.
What are the two functions of roots? Anchor the plant Reading Road Map What are the two functions of roots? Anchor the plant Absorb water and minerals the plant needs
Reading Road Map Pg 648 Read paragraphs 2 & 3. Label the roots on your flower picture and color it brown.
This is where MITOSIS OCCURS!!!!!!! Reading Road Map This is where MITOSIS OCCURS!!!!!!! Pg 648 Read the last paragraph. The meristem is a source of___________. New Cells
Reading Road Map Pg 650 Read the first paragraph. Label the stem on your flower picture and color it green.
What are the three functions of stems? Support the flowers & leaves Reading Road Map What are the three functions of stems? Support the flowers & leaves Transport of materials Store food & water
What makes stem growth possible? meristems Reading Road Map Pg 650 Read the fourth paragraph. What makes stem growth possible? meristems
Reading Road Map Pg 652 Read the second paragraph. Label the leaves on your flower picture and color them a different shade of green than your stem.
Reading Road Map Pg 652-653 Read the first & second paragraph in the Stomata and Guard cells section. What are the two functions of leaves? Photosynthesis transpiration/gas exchange What do guard cells do for the stomata? Open or close the stomata
Quick Write… Answer the following with as much detail as possible: How do plant organs help the plant maintain homeostasis and survive? Think about the organs and tissues of the plant. What do those organs do to help the plant survive. Use proper vocabulary terms! Underline the terms used! What question do you have from today’s lesson?
2 questions per person with the answer Create 2 questions per person with the answer It can be true/false or multiple choice Put your names on it!!!!! Give it to Ms. Gonzalez before you leave!!!
Study for tomorrow’s quiz Photosynthesis!