Steve McIntyre <> What does the DPL do? Steve McIntyre <> Debian Project Leader 7th February 2009
Summary Constitutional definition Talk to people Debian resources Make decisions More... Big job!
Constitution Choose delegates Make “urgent” decisions GRs Lead discussions Property held in trust
Talk to people Journalists Conferences Other distros Other FLOSS people Mediation
Debian resources Debian funds at SPI, FFIS, etc. Reimbursements for travel and equipment Meetings Equipment Servers Debian trademarks Domains Logo
Make decisions Make decisions that “somebody” needs to make Give guidance to other people when asked
More... Work with teams on improvements Talk to potential collaborators Encourage other Free Software projects Ritual embarrassment :-) Open-ended ...
Big job! Requirements are simple Doing a good job well is a lot of work, potentially very stressful Potentially a full time job Student or understanding employer
Questions? Answers? No, this is not an election platform! 42 ?? Slides © 2009 Steve McIntyre <> Released under GPL v2 at