Fill out reading log with weekend and today’s reading. Have out a piece of paper for Ch. 1 notes. Be reading at the bell.
MON CW: ORATION TOPIC DUE TO MS. ROYSE TODAY MON CW: ORATION TOPIC DUE TO MS. ROYSE TODAY! Finish reading Chanda’s Secrets. HW: Chanda’s Secrets test Friday. Study notes p. 12-25 in section 2 TUES CW: View documentary Angels in the Dust and create a Venn diagram comparing to Chanda’s Secrets. HW: Make sure you are ready to research your oration topic tomorrow with Ms. Royse. Wed. is your only research day. WED CW: Finish viewing documentary Angels in the Dust and create a Venn diagram comparing to Chanda’s Secrets. Begin review project (if time) HW: Read! Should have at least 60% of goal by Fri.! THURS CW: Review on novel: create plot diagram, mind map novel. HW: Review all notes section 2 for test tomorrow FRI CW: Chanda’s Secrets paper and AR test. HW: Be prepared to create web and outline for oration speech Mon. Final draft due Wed.
Read and number paragraphs Highlight key terms (repeated words) and LIST If sources, circle and underline what they are saying Summarize each paragraph in the margins Tell WHY the choices are wrong
Chanda's Secrets P= prediction I= inference ?= don’t understand, have a question, don’t know a word = like this = a sad or upsetting part *= important Imagery (senses)- draw a pic of what sense Figurative language- write simile, metaphor, personification Character- write name on left and description on right