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MISSIONS & EVANGELISM INTENSIVE The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in partnership with Ogletown Baptist Church

What is the Mission of the Church? The church is sent into the world to bear witness to Jesus as Lord, through gospel proclamation and disciple-making.

THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR GLOBAL MISSIONS God as Author and the Goal Scripture as the Rule Human Rebellion as the Context Christ as the Center Holy Spirit as the Agent Salvation as the Message All Peoples as the Scope Church as the Instrument Eschatology as the Historical Framework (Adapted from Pratt, Sills and Walters)


The History of Missions in the Early Church 1-500 AD

Ten 400-Year Epochs of Redemptive History Centuries Period 2000-1600 BC Patriarchs 0-400 AD Romans 1600-1200 BC Egyptian Captivity 400-800 AD Barbarians 1200-800 BC Judges 800-1200 AD Vikings 800-400 BC Kings 1200-1600 AD Muslims/ Crusades 400-0 BC Post Exile 1600-? AD Ends of the Earth

General Factors Affecting the Church’s Expansion All roads lead to Rome. Pax Romana It’s all Greek to me! Greek philosophy taught everywhere Dispersion of Jewish synagogues Constantine’s conversion 313 Edict of Toleration Pro’s – By 375 AD it was the State religion Con’s – The quality of members diminished

General Factors Affecting the Church’s Expansion Paul preached in synagogues first Teaching centers established Home to home evangelism Oral witnessing and literate methodologies Social ministries Inclusive outreach Divine blessing

General Factors Affecting the Church’s Expansion Monasticism Invasion of tribes into Roman world By 500, the vast majority of the Roman empire was considered Christian and the Gospel has also been carried into many lands outside the empire.

Medieval and Renaissance Missions (500-1792)

Celts and Goths (AD 400-800) Barbarians had invaded Roman territories and gained control beginning 400s Captives became witnesses to captors Patrick is captured and escapes, lives in a monastery for years studying, receives call and returns to Ireland as missionary Columba also there was punished for making his own copy of Scriptures. Banished to Iona and begins the first missionary training institute. Functioned for 1000 yrs sending to Italy/Hungary Charlemagne called for missionaries to come to France. Called himself King David.

The Vikings AD 800- 1200 Unfortunately, no one dares evangelize Scandinavia – the home of the cruel Vikings. Sold their own women as slaves in N.Africa Vikings were won mainly by the Christian girls they captured like Naaman, Syrian General. Vikings settled in Christian lands like England and Normandy When the call to go on crusades against the Muslims went out, every Crusade was led by someone with a Viking background.

The Muslims AD 1200-1600 The Crusaders sought to kill and plunder rather than evangelize so a negative period. Francis of Assisi accompanied 5th crusade but thought better to win them so began a form of monasticism which preached and ministered to the common people. Returning crusaders brought back fascination for art & architecture which led to beginning of Renaissance. They saw St. Sophia mosque in Constantinople and returned with zeal for same. All major cathedrals of Europe were begun within 50 years.

The Great Century (1792-1910) and Beyond “

1492 and the New World History of Muslims in Iberian peninsula Columbus sails Aztecs and Incas Roman Catholicism at the point of a sword Pre-Reformation and Inquisitional Syncretism and slavery Half for Spain and half for Portugal

Dark & Desperate Times Rome was littered with poisoned bodies Popes kept mistresses Gutenberg Press 1455 allowed for Bibles John Hus, et al advocated reforms - persecuted Indulgences and other abuses Reformation was not evangelistic outreach as some Reformers thought Great Commission was not applicable to us.

REFORMATION The Just Live by Faith! Luther, Calvin, Zwingli 95 theses Some Protestant missions during this time but not the emphasis of the Reformers-why? Faulty hermeneutics Struggles against Catholicism No monastic orders like the Catholics But Calvinist Huguenots, Eliot, Brainerd, Edwards, etc.

Cutting the Catholic Roots French and American revolutions Great Awakening in the Colonies Preaching and ministry of Wesley, Whitefield, and others Dissolution of the Jesuit order

Pietists Vicit agnus noster, eum sequamur Philip Spener, August Franke, Hans Egede Count Ludwig von Zinzendorf and Moravian Missions – Vicit agnus noster, eum sequamur Zinzendorf was disciple of Franke and gave fortune for missions.

Protestant Precursors Anglican Societies for Missions Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in New England Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (John Eliot and David Brainerd) These societies served as a model for William Carey’s Baptist Society

The Great Century Nineteenth century has been so called by Kenneth Scott Latourette Counted from the sailing of William Carey to the first World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland The primary Roman Catholic emphasis was reordering of missions efforts since Jesuit problems This Great Century is mainly Protestant advance

William Carey (1761-1834) Father of Modern Missions Bivocational Baptist pastor among hyper- Calvinists Many hobbies – botany, geography, languages Profoundly influenced by life/writings of Eliot, Brainerd and the apostle Paul 1792 “An Enquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of Heathens” “Attempt Great Things; Expect Great Things” Isaiah 54:2,3

Carey’s 5-pronged Philosophy of Missions 1) Widespread preaching 2) Distribution of the Bible in the vernacular 3) Church planting 4) Profound study of non-Christian religions 5) Ministerial training in a comprehensive program

William Carey’s Legacy Over forty translations of the Bible Dozen mission stations all over India Grammars and dictionaries in many languages 3 sons who became missionaries Abolition of sati Translation of the Hindu classics into English Premier horticultural research and training

4 Men, 3 Eras, 2 Transitions 1st Era 1792-1910 2nd Era 1865-1980 Denominational agencies European dominance Geographic strategy 2nd Era 1865-1980 “Faith” mission agencies American dominance 3rd Era 1934-? “Specialized” mission agencies Non-Western dominance Non-geographic strategy based on People Groups William Carey Hudson Taylor Cameron Townsend Coastlands Inland Areas Unreached Peoples 45 Years SVM 1865-1910 46 Years SFMF 1934-1980 Student Volunteer Movement Student Foreign Mission Fellowship Ralph Winter, Perspectives

Nigeria by Political Boundaries

Nigeria by Language Boundaries

Beyond Anticolonialism to Globalism Worldview Shifts: Eras of Change The Colonial Era: First Encounters with an Other Kind Traders and Governments First response: personal and national superiority “Civilized” vs. “Primitive” Missions Equated Christianity with Western culture Stressed biblically defined needs Introduced Western medicine, education, worship styles, architecture, and dress Translated the Bible literally, assuming meaning tied to forms Generally, saw no need to study local cultures or contextualize their message

Beyond Anticolonialism to Globalism Worldview Shifts: Eras of Change The Anticolonial Era: Taking the Other Seriously Missions The contextualization of theology became a central issue Growing understanding of cultural impact on communication and translation Growing emphasis on “felt needs” Emphasis was on dialogue, not proclamation Anthropology Ethnocentrism became taboo and cultural relativism the goal

Beyond Anticolonialism to Globalism Worldview Shifts: Eras of Change The Global Era: Hard Love Missions Requires a reevaluation of mission history Requires critical contextualization Requires double translation Requires incarnational witness Requires recognition of both felt and real needs

Helpful Definitions in Global Missions People Group- “An ethnolinguistic group with a common self-identity that is shared by the various members.” This involves a common language as well as history, customs, family and clan identities Unreached People Group- “A people group whose population is less than 2% evangelical Christian.” Evangelical Christian- “A person who believes that Jesus Christ is the sole source of salvation through faith in Him, has personal faith and conversion with regeneration by the Holy Spirit, recognizes the inspired Word of God as the only basis for faith and Christian living, and is committed to Biblical preaching and evangelism that brings others to faith in Christ.

Helpful Definitions in Global Missions Evangelical Church: A church characterized by the beliefs of Evangelical Christians Engagement: A people group is engaged when an evangelical church-planting strategy is underway. While Christians are involved in many significant ministries, we believe that the gathering of believers and establishing of churches is the key to establishing an effective, on-going, evangelizing, discipling, nurturing and ministering presence among any given people group. Last Frontier People Groups: People groups that are less than 2% Evangelical and have not had any active church planting within the past 2 years.