What’s new in GeorgiaVIEW 10.5.6
New: Awards Tool Awards link contains a link to My Awards
Awards (cont’d) On the Classlist page, instructors have additional sorting options. Instructors can sort award leaders according to: Award Leaders descending (default)\ Award Leaders ascending Last Name A-Z Last Name Z-A First Name A-Z First Name Z-A
Awards (cont’d) Changes to the Award Certificate template: Award Certificate templates have an increased size limitation. Certificate templates can be as large as 10 MB, and icons used in the certificate templates can be as large as 2 MB. Award Certificate PDFs now follow a more human-readable naming convention. Certificate awards use the following convention: {AwardName}_{OrgUnitName}_{LastName}.PDF. The Award Certificate uses the {FullName} replace string instead of the {FirstName} and {LastName} replace strings to provide a more aesthetically pleasing result on the final printed certificate. The current template was updated to utilize the new {FullName} replace string in order to make centering of the text more accurate on the certificate. A second default template was added with alternative styling and information shown on the certificate.
Question Library Import/Export Images were not being included when exporting questions from Question Library to a D2L export package. This has been fixed in 10.5.6.
Release conditions NOT Operator Support The NOT operator has been added to D2L Learning Environment to support or identify users who have not completed course items. The new release conditions can be used anywhere release conditions are supported in D2L Learning Environment, including Intelligent Agents.
Discussions Score Rubrics When Assessing Discussion Posts When the feature is on, instructors can access rubrics in the Topic Score Details modal The Topic Score Details screen is available in several locations: Discussions > Discussions List > Assess Topic > Topic Score Discussions > Reading View of a topic > Assess Student Grades > Grade Item for a topic > Submission icon Grades > Grade Category for a topic > Submission icon Grades > User Edit for a student > Submission icon
Discussions Score Rubrics When Assessing Discussion Posts