Welcome to Second Grade!
Facts About Mrs. White Born & raised in Latrobe Attended BES, MVES, GLJHS, & GLHS- Class of ‘96 Earned a degree in Elementary Education at Penn State- Class of 2000 Taught 3rd Grade in MD Hired as a 5th Grade teacher at BES in 2004 Moved to 2nd Grade in 2014 Live in Latrobe with husband Jason, step-daughters Alex and Kayla and daughters, Ellie and Paige So excited to spending the year with YOUR kids!
Our Second Grade Schedule 9:30 - 11:20 -- Large Group & Small Group Reading 11:25 - 12:25 -- Bathroom Break, Lunch & Recess 12:30 - 1:00 -- Phonics/Close Reading 1:00 - 2:00 -- Large Group & Small Group Math 2:00 -2:20 --Writing Workshop 2:25 - 3:05 -- Specials 3:05 - 3:45 -- Pack-up, Snack & Science or Social Studies
Day 2: Physical Education Day 3: Library Day 4: Music 2W Encore Rotation Day 1: Music Day 2: Physical Education Day 3: Library Day 4: Music Day 5: Physical Education Day 6: Art
Title 1 BES and LES are school-wide Title 1 buildings. The primary goal of a school-wide Title 1 building is to ensure that all students demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state academic standards. As a school-wide building, the staff is looking at all students’ assessment data regularly. Any student displaying a deficit in any reading area will recieve additional support to help that student become proficient. All teachers are considered Title 1 Teachers. Students may be working with reading specialists, other second grade teachers or support staff.
Binders Your child will bring home a binder every night. Please read, complete the activities, sign and return the binder to school each day. Sections: Homework ELA Math Facts Reading Log High Frequency Words/Fluency
Homework and Tutoring Homework Homework should not take more than 20 minutes. Each night your child will have spelling words, math facts, high frequency words, vocabulary and reading. Please let me know during the school year if homework becomes a problem. Tutoring Tutoring in second grade is by invitation only. We will work with small groups of children on reading (Tuesdays) and math (Thursdays.) We will be sending tutoring notes home at the end of September after assessments are completed.
GLSD Website The Greater Latrobe School District website is: http://www.glsd.us To access our class website: Under select a school at the top of the page select Baggaley At the top of the page select Teachers Then select my name You can access lesson plans, websites & schedules
Think Central Think Central Website Think Central will allow you and your child to access materials that correspond with the reading, math and science programs. We will be sending home log-in information for your child soon.
Clearances If you wish to volunteer this year, you must have a child abuse, criminal background check, FBI fingerprinting and mandated reporting training on file at the office. If you do not have one on file and wish to volunteer, you must see the office to complete a packet. Packets are due at the end of September. Volunteering includes: bookfairs, fieldtrips, birthdays, holiday parties, etc...
Contact Information School’s Phone Number: (724) 539 - 4531 My email address: jayme.white@glsd.us
Thank You For Coming!! Things To Do With Your Family: Fill out the information sheet and give it to me Let me know of any bus changes or car kid notices Find your mailbox and get your coat rack number Find your coat rack hook in the hallway Sign up for Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences