Airport Ground Transportation Association Results of 2006 AGTA Survey on Airport Ground Transportation Fees and Fares Ray A. Mundy, Ph.D. April 2006
Survey Facts Survey sent to 111 Airports Respondents: 90 Response Rate: 82% Included: 94 AGTA Members: 67 Member response: 63 Member response rate: 93%
Participants 34 Large Airports(36.55%) 31 Medium Airports (32.25%) 22 Small Airports (23.65%) Large Airports: >= 7,102,993 enplanements Medium Airports: – 7,102,992 – 1,775,748 enplanements Small Airports: <= 1,775,747 – 335,150 enplanements AGTA Members (73.2%) non AGTA Members (26.8%) 87 US Airports (92.47%) 7 Canadian Airports (7.53%)
Survey Objectives Update Information on Fees charged by airports for: On airport rental car Off airport rental car Off airport parking Charter buses Limos Shared ride vans Taxicab gate fee Taxicab annual fee Taxicab concession fee Hotel/Motel courtesy vehicles
On Airport Rental Car 85.86% of respondents charge Airport Rental Car fee 85.87% base this fee strictly on a percentage of gross Avg.: 9.64%, min: 4%, max: 12.75% 5.43% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to a per trip fee 5.43% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to a per square foot fee
Off Airport Rental Car 90.32% of respondents charge Off Airport Rental Car fee 84.52% base this fee strictly on a percentage of gross Avg.: 8.19%, min: 4%,max: 11% 2.38% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to a per vehicle charge Avg.: $275, min: $150, max: $400
Off Airport Rental Car [cont’d] 4.76% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to a per contract fee Avg.: $365, min: $200, max: $500 10.71% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to a per trip fee Avg.: $1.42, min: 75¢, max: $3.0
Off Airport Parking 80.65% of respondents charge Off Airport Parking fee 30.67% base this fee strictly on a percentage of gross Avg.: 8.17%, min: 2%, max: 25% 42.67% charge this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $1.74, min:20¢, max: $6.0
Off Airport Parking [cont’d] 10.67% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $291, min: $20, max: $660 10.67% charge this fee on a per vehicle basis Avg.: $1125 , min: $75, max: $2500
Charter Buses 96.77% of respondents charge fee on Charter Busses 76.67% base this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $9.75, min: 40¢, max: $40 5.56% charge this fee on a per vehicle basis Avg.: $25.25, min: 25¢, max: $75
Charter Buses [cont’d] 12.22% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $372, min: $100, max: $900 3.34% base this fee on a percentage of gross Avg.: 3.75%, min: 2%, max: 7%
Limos 90.32% of respondents charge fee on Limos 50.0% base this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $2.08, min: 20¢, max: $15 28.57% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $305.83, min: $25, max: $900
Limos [cont’d] 5.2% base this fee on a per permit basis Avg.: $178.75, min: $100, max: $315 4.76% base this fee on a percentage of gross Avg.: 6%, min: 2%, max: 10%
Shared Ride Vans 90.32% of respondents charge fee on Shared Ride Vans 57.14% charge this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $2.15, min: 50¢, max: $8.0 22.61% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $518, min: $25, max: $2250
Shared Ride Vans [cont’d] 3.57% charge this fee on a Minimum Agreement Guarantee basis Avg.: $256,333.3, min: $15000, max: $504,000 15.47% base this fee on a percentage of gross Avg.: 8.17%, min: 2%, max: 15%
Taxicab Gate Fee 57% of respondents charge Taxicab Gate Fee 83.0% charge this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $ 1.69, min: 50¢, max $4.0 11.34% do not charge this fee
Taxicab Annual Fee 44.08% of respondents charge Taxicab Annual fee 76.0% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $466.31, min: $20, max: $1,440 6.0% charge this fee on a per contract basis Avg.: 78,991.6, min: $25,000, max: $174,000
Taxicab Annual Fee [cont’d] 8.0% base this fee on a percentage of gross in addition to an annual fee Avg.: 6.5%, min: 3%, max: 8% 10.0% do not charge this fee
Taxicab Concession Fee 25.80% of respondents charge Taxicab Concession fee 12.5% charge this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $2.31, min: $1.1, max: $3.32 25% base this fee on a percentage of gross Avg.:11%, min: 4%, max: 20%
Taxicab Concession Fee [cont’d] 45.83% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $179,123.2, min: $480, max: $950,000 12.5% do not charge this fee
AVI 62.5% of respondents have installed and use AVI 37.5% of respondents do not use AVI
Airport Hotel/Motel Courtesy Vehicles Access Fee 17.25% of respondents charge Access fee 43.75% charge this fee on a per trip basis Avg.: $1.43, min: 20¢, max: $3.00 31.25% charge this fee on a an annual per vehicle basis Avg.:$880, min:$50, max $3300
Airport Hotel/Motel Courtesy Vehicles Permit Fee 59.14% of respondents charge Permit fee 90.91% charge this fee on an annual per vehicle basis Avg.: $460.59, min: $15, max: $5,217 7.3% charge this fee on a per month per vehicle basis Avg.: $297.50, min: $150, max: $450
Airport Hotel/Motel Courtesy Vehicles Per Trip Fee 38.7% of respondents charge usage on a per trip fee Avg.: $2.76, min: 50¢, max: $20 Dwell Time fee 20.43% charge for usage through dwell time fees Avg. exclusion: 9.98 mins. , min: 0.6 mins., max: 45 mins
Comparison of Ground Transportation Fees (Fiscal Years 2003 - 2006) Ground Transportation Vehicle Fees Fee Type 2003 Avg. 2006 Avg. % Change On Airport Rental Car % of gross 9.87% 9.64% -2.38% Off Airport Rental Car 8.1% 8.19% 1.09% % of gross + per vehicle $217 $275 21.09% % of gross + trip fee $0.92 $0.73 -26.02% Off Airport Parking 7.4% 8.17% 9.42% annual basis $382 $291 -31.27% per vehicle basis $773 $1125 31.28%
Comparison of Ground Transportation Fees (Fiscal Years 2003 - 2006) Ground Transportation Vehicle Fees Fee Type 2003 Avg. 2006 Avg. % Change Charter Busses per trip basis $3.28 $9.75 66.35% per vehicle basis $18.41 $25.25 27.08% annual basis $220 $372 40.86% % of gross 6.25% 3.75% -66.66% Limos $2.45 $2.08 -17.78% $292 $299.4 2.47% per vehicle per year basis $276 $319 13.47% 6% 0% Shared Ride Vans $2.98 $2.15 -38.60% $302 $518 41.69% 9.16% 8.17% -12.11%
Comparison of Ground Transportation Fees (Fiscal Years 2003 - 2006) Taxicab Fees and Fares Fee Type 2003 Avg. 2006 Avg. % Change Taxicab Gate Fee per trip basis $1.46 $1.69 13.60% Taxicab Annual Fee per vehicle per year basis $365 $466.31 21.72% % of gross 7.5% 6.5% -15.38% Taxicab Concession Fee $2.03 $2.31 12.12% 3.75% 11% 65.90% AVI installed and using 42.5% 62.5% 32% not using AVI 57.5% 37.5% -53.33%
Comparison of Ground Transportation Fees (Fiscal Years 2003 - 2006) Hotel/Motel Courtesy Vehicle Fees Fee Type 2003 Avg. 2006 Avg. % Change Access Fee (per trip) $2.24 $1.43 -56.64% Permit Fee (annual) $510 $460.59 -10.72% Per Trip Fee $1.66 42.76 39.85% Dwell Time (exclusion avg.) 7 mins. 9.98 mins. 29.85%