Ms. Scoggins’ Classroom Jobs
Classroom Jobs 411 10 jobs per class Application on my website Will rotate monthly
Materials Distributor Passes out papers and other materials to classmates Makes sure each student receives needed materials If an extra copy is needed, takes a pass to another teacher to ask for additional copies
Materials Collector Collects paper and other materials from classmates Makes sure papers and/or materials are safely and correctly put away
Attendance Assistant Takes attendance in the first five minutes of the class period Reports absences/tardies to Ms. Scoggins
Board Manager Erases board when needed Updates date and calendar Selects and writes an inspirational quote each week
Class Secretary Helps when there is a substitute Places paper in the absent bin Helps students get caught up when they return from absences
Table Manager Makes sure tables are straightened at the end of the class period
Chair King/Queen Ensures all chairs are pushed in at the end of the class period
Time Tracker Keeps track of time- Lets class know when five minutes remain before the bell
SS Star Assistant Passes out stars to classmates Collects stars on Friday for raffle Draws names for raffle
Lost and Found Manager Collects any items left behind and places them in the lost and found area On Friday- takes all items to lost and found in the front office