Quick Shipping of Resource Sharing Items Moshe Shechter | Alma Product Manager
Shipping Resource Sharing Items Shipping items for a fulfilling a lending request may be based on an existing lending request This would be an efficient process if the lending request is created automatically by an incoming ISO ILL message However, if the lending requests are created manually (in an email based workflow), creating the lending request and then shipping the item may be laboursome The next couple of slides will describe an efficient process for quickly shipping items without first creating a lending request
Say you got an email with a request ….
You search, find the resource …
… and put the call number on the slip
All that remains to be done is to ship the item ! After fetching the item, use the Shipping Items screen to: Select the borrower and request id Wand in the item barcode
A configurable warning pops up
And that’s it ! A Shipping Slip may be printed using ‘Print Slip’
A lending request was automatically created …
… and the item is marked as shipped
Configuration Mark the resource sharing library with ‘Automatic Creation’
Configuration The warning is configurable in the ‘Other Settings menu
Thank You Moshe.shechter@exlibrisgroup.com