Software Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Source Copyright & Courtesy NASA IV&V Facility Fairmont, West Virginia Judith N. Bruner Acting Director 304-367-8202
Why are we discussing IV&V?
Setting the Stage In the 90s, the Commanding General of theArmy’s Operational Test and Evaluation Agency noted that 90 percent of systems that were not ready for scheduled operational tests had been delayed by immature software.
The Standish Group examined 8,380 Software Projects. Software “Chaos” The Standish Group examined 8,380 Software Projects. 53% “Challenged” 16% Successful Over budget - by 189% - In Budget - Late by 222% - On Time - Missing 39% of Capabilities - Meets Requirements - User involved Note: For Large Companies 31% Cancelled - 9% were Successful - Development - 61.5% Challenged - Over budget by 178% - Late by 230% - Missing 58% of Capabilities - 29.5% were Cancelled
Error Densities 23% 68% 9% Design & Implementation Requirements Specification Installation & Commissioning 68% 9%
Increasing Cost of Changes The cost to correct an software error multiplies during the development lifecycle. Cost scale factor (Normalized to Requirements Phase)
What is IV&V?
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Technical: IV&V prioritizes its own efforts Managerial: Independent reporting route to Program Management Financial: Budget is allocated by program and controlled at high level such that IV&V effectiveness is not compromised Verification (Are we building the product right?) The process of determining whether or not the products of a given phase of the software development cycle fulfill the requirements established during the previous phase Is internally complete, consistent and correct enough to support next phase Validation (Are we building the right product?) The process of evaluating software throughout its development process to ensure compliance with software requirements. This process ensures: Expected behavior when subjected to anticipated events No unexpected behavior when subjected to unanticipated events System performs to the customer’s expectations under all operational conditions
Independent Verification & Validation Software IV&V is a systems engineering process employing rigorous methodologies for evaluating the correctness and quality of the software product throughout the software life cycle Adapted to characteristics of the target program
How is IV&V done?
IV&V Activities Throughout Lifecycle Requirements Phase System Reqts Analysis S/W Reqts Analysis Interface Analysis Process Analysis Technical Reviews & Audits Design Phase Design Analysis Test Program Analysis Supportability Analysis Code Phase Code Analysis Test Phase Independent Test Verify Validate Phase-dependent tasks Planning analyses Software development, verification, reconfiguration plans Requirements analyses Command & data flow Interface Horizontal architectural requirements Phasing (staging/reconfiguration) Requirements validation Design analyses Critical algorithms Timing & sizing Code analyses Test analyses Plan, procedure, & report Unit, integration, interface, acceptance and system Phase-independent tasks Catastrophic/mission critical/high risk functions identification Traceability matrix Issue/Discrepancy tracking and reporting Analytic studies Loading Metrics Schedule
IV&V Life Cycle Functions IV&V Process provides tools and analysis procedures appropriate to each phase of the software development life cycle: Formulation Phase: Is development process sound, repeatable, and managed? Requirements Phase: Verify that system and software requirements are correct, complete, traceable and testable Analyze system-level requirements: Are test plans and acceptance criteria sufficient to validate system requirements and operational needs? Are testing methods sufficient to verify and validate software requirements? Are the correct software development, management, and support processes in place? Design Phase: Does the design support the requirements? Are test plans and test environments sufficient to verify and validate software and operational requirements? Does the design have any characteristics that will cause it to fail under operational scenarios? What solutions are appropriate?
IV&V Life Cycle Functions (cont.) Typical IV&V functions by Software life-cycle phase (cont.): Coding Phase: Does the code reflect the design? Is the code correct? Verify that test cases trace to and cover software requirements and operational needs Verify that software test cases, expected results, and evaluation criteria fully meet testing objectives Analyze selected code unit test plans and results to verify full coverage of logic paths, range of input conditions, error handling, etc. Test Phase: Analyze correct dispositioning of software test anomalies Validate software test results versus acceptance criteria Verify tracing and successful completion of all software test objectives Operational Phase: Verify that regression tests are sufficient to identify adverse impacts of changes
IV&V Testing Involvement IV&V identifies deficiencies in program’s test planning Program changes their procedures to address deficiencies vice IV&V independently test IV&V may independently test highly critical software using an IV&V testbed Whitebox Stress Endurance Limit Developer motivated to show software works IV&V attempts to break software
IV&V Process
CARA Scoring Methodology Criticality: Catastrophic=4 Critical=3 Moderate=2 Low=1 Performance and Operations Safety Cost/schedule Category Rating Average Criticality Risk: High=3 Complexity Technology Maturity Reqts Dfn & Stability Testability Developer Experience Average Risk CARA score For each Software Function: Set IV&V Analysis Level (IAL) Thresholds IAL CARA Score None: 1 < CARA < 2 Limited (L): 2 < CARA < 5 Focused (F): 5 < CARA < 8 Comprehensive (C): 8 < CARA < 12
Sample Criticality Evaluation Criteria CARA Criticality
Sample Risk Driver Criteria CARA Risk
Why perform IV&V?
IV&V Benefits Technical Management Better Visibility into Better software/system Performance Higher Confidence in Software Reliability Compliance between Specs & Code Criteria for Program Acceptance Better Visibility into Development Better Decision Criteria Second Source Technical Alternative Reduced maintenance cost Reduced Frequency of Operational Change
IV&V Key Points IV&V works with the Project Goal is project success IV&V is an engineering discipline IV&V processes are defined and tailored to the specific program Mission, operations and systems knowledge is used to perform engineering analyses of system components IV&V is most effective when started early 70% of errors found in testing are traceable to problems in the requirements and design IV&V works problems at the lowest possible level Primarily work via established informal interfaces with the development organization - working groups, IPTs, etc. Elevate issues only when necessary
IV&V Approach Efficiently Mitigates Risk It is not necessary or feasible to perform all IV&V analyses on all software functions IV&V resources allocated to reduce overall exposure to operational, development, and cost/schedule risks Software functions with higher cirticality and development risk receive enhanced levels of analysis (‘CARA’ process) Systems analyses performed to reduce costly interface and integration problems Process analyses performed to verify ability to produce desired result relative to program plans, needs and goals IV&V working interfaces promote timely problem resolution Proactive participation on pertinent development teams Emphasis on early identification of technical problems Engineering recommendations provided to expedite solution development and implementation
Analyses Are Value Added and Complementary - Not Duplicative Analyses performed from a systems perspective considering mission needs and system use, hazards and interfaces Discipline experts assigned to perform analysis across all life cycle phases Horizontal specialty skills are matrixed across IV&V functional teams to verify correct systems integration Specialized tools and simulations perform complex analyses IV&V testing activities complement developer testing enhancing overall software confidence Developer testing focuses on demonstrating nominal behavior, IV&V testing activities try to break the software Overall program integration, test and verification approach analyzed for completeness, integrity and effectiveness