Related to Sex Trafficking of Children/Young Adults Or-kids updates As a result of federal legislation (HR 4980) passed in the Fall of 2014, there are requirements for how Child Welfare identifies and provides services to children and young adults who are sex trafficking victims or who are at risk to be such victims. As a result, Oregon Child Welfare implemented policy and procedural changes to be in compliance with federal law and more importantly to better serve these children and young adults. At this time, a number of updates have been made to OR-Kids to improve how we document information about children and young adults identified as sex trafficking victims or who are at risk to be such victims. This following is an overview of these changes. Related to Sex Trafficking of Children/Young Adults
Screening/Assessment New allegation type of “Sexual Abuse/Exploitation: Sex Trafficking” Several of the changes impact screening and CPS assessment. Specifically: On the allegations tab there is a new abuse descriptor of “Sex Trafficking” under the abuse type “Sex Abuse”. Select “Sex Abuse” as the allegation and “Sex Trafficking” as the abuse description when there is an allegation that a child/young adult is the victim of sex trafficking. It is important to make this selection when there is a report alleging a child or young adult is being sexually trafficked. While this screen shot shows this change within a screening report, it is also reflected on the allegations tab in the CPS Assessment and therefore impacts both screeners and CPS workers.
Screening Decision Tab Two changes to Screening Decision Tab: New language “Information reported alleges sex trafficking of a child or young adult” New Question – “Child Welfare Caseworker identified child/young adult as a sex trafficking victim” The two changes to the Screening Decision tab allow for the tracking of children/young adults who have been identified as victims of sex trafficking as well as for the notification to Law Enforcement related to the identification of a sex trafficking victim. The checkbox currently entitled “Information reported identified possible sex trafficking/exploitation of a child” has been revised to read “Information reported alleges sex trafficking of a child or young adult”. The screener selecting this box when the report alleges sex trafficking will allow for data to be gathered about how many sex trafficking reports are received. There is now a new question, “Child Welfare Caseworker identified child/young adult as a sex trafficking victim”, with a yes or no radio button. The screener will only ever select the “yes” radio button if a CW caseworker contacts a screener to report they have identified a child or young adult as a victim of sex trafficking. There is no other scenario that results in a “yes” selection. This determination will have been made through the use of the identification of sex trafficking victim status page. The screener selecting ‘yes’ in this scenario will allow every person who accesses the case to know the child/young adult is a victim. It also allows DHS to track the number of victims DHS is providing services to, the services being provided and even creates a mechanism for review. When the “Sex trafficking” allegation type is chosen at screening, the “Child Welfare caseworker identified child/young adult as a sex trafficking victim” question will become enabled and required on the Screening Decision tab at the point that the screening decision is made. If the “Sex Trafficking” allegation is un-selected after the screening decision has been made, the “Child Welfare caseworker identified child/young adult as a sex trafficking victim” will be un-enabled and any selection will be cleared.
Cross report/notification Cross Report of Child Abuse form includes additional section: The Cross Reporting form is now a Cross Reporting and Notification form. This form will continue to be used to cross report child abuse reports to LEA, and will now also be used to notify LEA when a child/young adult is a victim of sex trafficking. This is a requirement of the federal law. The changes to the form include: The title of the form is now “Cross Report/Notification” Child and Young Adult checkboxes were added Cross Report and Notification of Identified Sex Trafficking Victim checkboxes were added. The checkboxes next to the text will be checked when certain conditions in the screening report are met: “Child” and “Young Adult” will be checked (pre-filled) based on the age of the child/young adult with a role of “Alleged Victim” on the screening report. Child = 0 to 17 years, 364 days Young Adult = 18 years, 0 Days to 20 years, 364 days of age “Cross Report of Allegation of Abuse” will be checked when there is an allegation of any abuse type against a child on the report. “Notification of Identified Sex Trafficking Victim” will be checked when the Screener has selected “Yes” for ‘Child Welfare Caseworker Identified child/young adult as a sex trafficking victim’ on the Screening Decision tab. It is possible for all of the above conditions to be met and therefore for all of the boxes to be checked.
Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim status New page replaces the form CF 0486. Accessed through Create Casework button under drop down menu of Tx Planning. Moving out of screening and assessment and to changes that impact all caseworkers: The form CF 0486 “Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim Status” in the forms directory was replaced with a page in OR-Kids. The new page allows staff to complete and save this information in OR-Kids rather than completing a separate form. This page is to be completed when a missing child/young adult is located or when information is gathered or observed that indicates the child/young adult may be the victim of sex trafficking. Once a child/young adult has been confirmed to be the victim of sex trafficking, that section of the page does not need to be completed again in the future. If a child/young adult returns from being on the run, any new determination will only display the “primary factors that contributed to the child/young adult being missing” group box. Since the child/young adult has previously been determined to be a victim of sex trafficking, only the primary factors questions will need to be answered. This page is accessed through the Create Casework button under the drop down menu of Tx Planning.
Here is a partial view of the “Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim Status” page. Worth noting is there are some changes to this form, including a new section required when a child was missing and is now located. The new section requires the worker to select the applicable factors that contributed to the child being missing. For guidance on completing the determination please refer to the Sex Trafficking Victim Identification procedure in the CW Procedure Manual.
Desktop changes The Determination will display on the desktop under the Tx Planning icon: Also applicable to all caseworkers, are changes to the desktop: Once launched, the completed versions of the Determination of Sex Trafficking page will display on the desktop under the “Planning” icon. The determination will display with current status and name of the child. If completed, the determination will display date of completion. The Determination will display with the label “Determination of Sex Trafficking” on the desktop underneath the planning icon in both case view and participant view The Determination will display in Participant mode under the name of the Child/Young Adult that it was completed for The Determination will display as “Pending” with no date, until the Determination has been saved with the “Completed” checkbox selected. In the Confirmed Victimization group box, if any of the first 4 questions is answered as “Yes” then the Determination will display with a status of “Confirmed Victim” on the desktop once the completed checkbox has been selected and the Determination has been saved. In the At-Risk for Victimization if One or More group box, if any of the questions are answered with “yes” then the Determination will display with the status of “At Risk” on the desktop once the completed checkbox has been selected and the Determination has been saved. In the At-Risk for Victimization if Two or More group box, if two or more of the questions are answered with “yes” then the Determination will display with the status of “At Risk” on the desktop once the completed checkbox has been selected and the Determination has been saved. *If responses indicate the child/young adult to be both "Confirmed" and "At Risk" the system will consider the child to be a confirmed victim. If none of the yes/no questions in any of the three group boxes have been answered with a yes, then the Determination will display with the status “Not Indicated” on the Desktop once the completed checkbox has been selected and the Determination has been saved If the Child had a previous Determination with Confirmed Victim status, and has a subsequent determination with only the “Primary Factors” section required, then that Determination will display with the Status “Missing Child Only” on the desktop once the completed checkbox has been selected and the Determination has been saved. The Sort order for the display of determinations will be by Child Name, Pending always at the top, and then date completed.
Desktop changes Desktop when child/young adult has “missing” placement type: A further change is: When a child/young adult has been identified as a “Missing/Runaway Child”, this designation will appear next to the case name/number on the desktop. The label will read “(Missing/Runaway Child)”. The label will no longer display once the runaway placement has been ended and the ending is approved.
Desktop changes How Search results will appear when child/young adult has “missing” placement type: The missing child status will also appear in red text next to the case name (in Case view on the desktop and Navigation -Case or Person- search) or next to the child’s name (in Participant view) when a child participant on a case has an open and approved placement of one of the following types: Missing: Runaway Missing: Abducted Missing: Other The label will read “(Missing/Runaway Child)”. The label will no longer display once the runaway placement has been ended and the ending is approved.
Person management changes When the result of the Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim Status is “confirmed” a hyperlink will display on their person management page. When the result of a Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim Status is “confirmed”, a hyperlink will display on that child/young adult’s person management page. Clicking the hyperlink will open the determination that identified the child/young adult as a victim. The hyperlink will no longer display once the person reaches the age of 21, although the determination will remain in the case record. When using the search function, the hyperlink will also display next to a child/young adult determined to have been a victim of sex trafficking.
Placement changes Three “Missing” Services Types on the Placement page: Missing: Abducted Missing: Runaway Missing: Other There will be two new and one modified placement types under the Service Category of “Other Substitute Care”: Missing: Abducted Missing: Other Missing: Runaway Two new date fields, date of report to LEA and date of report to NCMEC, will appear as enabled and required when one of these three are selected in order to save the placement upon selection of one of the “missing” placement service types. If the Service Type selection is changed to another placement type then the date fields will not display (and not be required). Remember if a child is missing you must report immediately to law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. If the “copy” functionality is used to copy to another placement, these fields will carry over as well. The field will not allow a future date, and cannot have a date prior to the begin date of the “Missing” placement. The validation for the date field should not occur on ending the placement. That way any current, approved placements in the system at the time of deployment will be able to be ended.
Automated message Action Required – Missing Child/Young Adult Located A final change is: An automated message that is triggered when one of the following placement types are ended with a Ending purpose of “Placement Service Change”: Missing: Runaway Missing: Abducted Missing: Other Automated message will go to the Primary Caseworker assigned to the case and the Primary worker’s Supervisor. The email subject line will read: “#Secure# Action Required: Missing Child/Young Adult located”. The email body will read: “The placement service (Missing/Runaway) on (Case Number) for (Child name) was ended. If (Child Name) was located, the Determination of Sex Trafficking Victim Status must be completed.” Where the parenthesis are indicated in the message above, the service type, name and case number for the child selected will display.
Resources Link to OR-Kids Quick Reference Guide: kids/referencematerial/documents/referenceguides/Reference%20Guide%20Determin ation%20of%20Sex%20Trafficking%20status.pdf Link to Child Welfare Procedure Manual Chapter 3, Section 19 – “Identification of a Sex Trafficking Victim”: Link to Child Welfare Procedure Manual Chapter 3, Section 18 – “Missing Child/Young Adult”: Link to Child Welfare Procedure Manual Chapter 4, Section 36 – “Sex Trafficking Services”: Click on the links above to get to the OR-Kids Quick Reference Guide as well as the relevant Procedure Manual sections.
Questions? Still have questions? Need a clarification? Please call your OR-Kids trainer if the question is about how the system works. Please call your Child Safety Consultant if your question is about practice. Thank you for taking the time to review these changes!