By Christian Mangiameli How to Write Music By Christian Mangiameli
Why is this my passion? This is my passion because I grew up with music. My dad was my role model for music. Many people in my family are musicians, so I have been exposed to it. As a young child, around the age of five and six, I used to walk around the house with a pink, plastic, toy guitar and a fake wooden amplifier that my grandfather made for me that I thought actually worked. Then in third grade I got my first real acoustic guitar, three quarters the size of an actual guitar. I was so excited, I asked my dad to give me a lesson. I then started taking lessons, and started looking up songs and learning them. In fifth grade, I played Stairway to Heaven in the talent show. I thought, I could be good at this, so, BOOM! It's my passion!
Music Theory To write music, you need to know how music works, like what chords sound good together and how to write a melody. Chord- three notes played at once. Scale- a set of musical notes increasing or decreasing in pitch. Hint: Knowing scales will help a lot.
Time Signature Time signature is a way musicians can tell how many beats are in a measure and which note gets one beat, which is expressed as a fraction. For example, if the time signature was 4/4 on a piece of music, there would be four beats in a measure and the quarter note would get one beat.
Musical Measures A measure is is a segment of a staff that has the amount of beats as the top number on the time signature.
Musical Staves A musical stave is basically one line of music that consists of a few measures.
Sound When you write music, you could just play around on your instrument, and eventually, you will come up with something that sounds great. You should then expand on what you created, making verses and a chorus related to what key you are using or in.
Emotions To write music, you could also rely solely on emotions. To write the Music I wrote for this presentation, I used a lot of emotion, along with some music theory. You could, for example, write a song about what is happening in your life, or what happened, and how you feel or felt about it. If you are sad, you might write a piece of music in a minor key, or if you are happy you would write a piece of music in a major key.
My Music Capo fifth fret. Verse 2x E A E E D A Pre Chorus C F(Bar) Chorus 2x D A E E A D High A F#m D A E D A E
Conclusion For me, music is an output for my feelings and emotions, and when I feel sad, mad, happy, or even when I am not sure about what I feel, I pick up my guitar and play whatever come out. This is why music is my passion.