A Verb is a word that shows action or a state of being. Verbs A Verb is a word that shows action or a state of being.
Action Verbs Action Verbs (AV) express physical or mental action. studied dreaming thinking running vote dance
The batter is hitting the game winning homerun. The batter thinks about winning the game.
Action Verbs The band marches onto the field. (physical action) The audience expects a great performance. (mental action) Tip: To locate a verb, find the subject of the sentence and ask what that subject is doing.
Linking Verbs Forms of To Be is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being A linking verb (LV) is a verb that expresses a state of being. A linking verb connects, or links, the subject to a word or word group that identifies or describes the subject. Linking verbs do not show action. They connect the subject of the verb to more information about the subject. Forms of To Be is, am, are, was, were, be, been, being
The verb "to be" am has been may be is have been can be are had been should be was will be might be were would have been Tip: If you can replace a verb with a form of be, that verb is a linking verb.
Most of the other linking verbs are related to your five senses sound appear, become, seem, look smell taste touch, feel, remain
The music sounds loud. The man seems irritated. The flower smells fragrant. The apple tastes delicious. The Girl Scout feels sad because no plants are growing at Camp Green Lake.
Action verb or linking verb? The cookie smelled delicious! Caveman smelled the cookie. LV AV
Linking Verb or Action Verb? Linking verbs link the cookie to a word in the predicate. When the cookie is the subject, it is not performing an action and is not able to smell, taste, touch. However . . . When the sentence is about someone eating, smelling, or tasting the cookie, there is action being performed. The verb is then an action verb.
I smelled the chocolate chip cookies baking in the kitchen. AV I smelled the chocolate chip cookies baking in the kitchen. AV My little brother appeared at the kitchen window and stole a cookie. LV The cookie tasted gooey because it came straight from the oven. LV The cookie he ate appears to be underbaked.
Helping Verbs Santa Claus is helping himself to the cookies! A helping verb helps the main verb express action or a state of being. A helping verb can help either an action verb or a linking verb! Helping verbs come before the main verb in a sentence. They assist the main verb, showing time and meaning Santa Claus is helping himself to the cookies!
am is are was were do does did done has have had be been being shall will could should would can may might must
Santa is checking his list twice Santa is checking his list twice. I know that you are hoping that you are on the good list, but the list does appear to be pretty short this year. You might have been left off of the list! The letter that you wrote could have been lost in the mail. Christmas might be looking pretty grim for you.