The Sociocultural System 1) SuperStrucrure: The mental life of the system (Ideas, believes, values, norm 2) Structure: The Organization of the system A) The Political Economy: a1) The Economic Organization a2) The Political Organization B) The Domestic Economy: Kinship (Family, Marriage & Descent Rules) 3) Infrastructure: Technological/Environmental Base of the System A) The Mode of Production B) The Mode of Reproduction
Structure: A) The Economic Organization Economy: The institutionalized (patterned) mechanisms of acquiring, producing, and distributing goods and services in a particular sociocultural system. Reciprocity: An organizational economic principle of exchanging goods and services without overt acknowledgement of economic worth or a balance need to be achieved in order to maintain relationships between members of a sociocultural system. Redistribution: An organizational economic principle of exchanging goods and services in which surplus is brought to a central place where it will be redistributed to producers and non-produces (Egalitarian/Stratified) at specific times and events. Market:: An organizational economic principle of exchanging goods and services based on buying and selling at a price measured in money.
Structure: A) Economic Organization Capitalism: An econo-political system where societal critical resources are privately owned and/or controlled. Maximizing profit is the sole objective of Capitalism. The Circuit of Capitalism
Structure: The Political Economy The Principles of Capitalism The necessity of Perpetual growth (Economic Growth) The creation of need The creation of dissatisfaction The necessity of unemployment (The creation of a reserve labor source) The necessity of externalizing cost (socializing risk and privatizing profit) The quantification of human and natural resources into measurable economic units The necessity of aggression, competition, and the survival of the mightiest Amorality The necessity of Standardization (harmonization) The valuing of scarcity