Chapter 7 Section 2 The Zhou Dynasty and New Ideas Farming rice on the steppes
The Zhou Political System Facts The Zhou Political System
Kings and Emperors
Emperors and Princesses
Lords and Warriors
Farmers and Peasants
Peasants and Farmers Chinese farmers today
Check Your Zhou Facts!!!! According to the Zhou kings, heaven gave them the power to lead (.a.k.a. The Mandate of Heaven) Zhou leaders granted land in return for loyalty, military support and other services. This system was a way to purchase people’s loyalty and support.
facts Confucius and Society
Check Your Important Facts About Confucius!!! Confucius believed in ethics and moral values. Confucius would object to wives having to obey their husbands. Confucius stated that moral leadership, not laws would bring order to China. Leaders should act decently and always try to do the right thing. The Ideas of Confucius were compiled into a book called the Analects.
Daoism facts Laozi
Check Your Daoism Facts!!!! Daoism stresses living in harmony with the Dao which is the guiding force of all reality. All people should live in harmony with nature, best summarizes the philosophy of Daoism. Laozi was the most famous of all the Daoist teachers. Believed that the government should stay out of people’s lives. People should not try and gain wealth nor should they seek power.
Legalism facts
Check Your Legalism Facts!!!! Legalism is the belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled. Shi Huang Di was a follower of legalism because he created a strong government and strict laws. Legalism was a political philosophy without religious concerns. Citizens should be held responsible for each other’s conduct. Stresses the need for authority.
Bottom Line Is… Even though they were completely different, Daoism Confucianism Important Concept! Even though they were completely different, all three philosophies were similar in that they all were intended to help society. Legalism
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