Technical writing September 22, 2014
Today - Memo structure - Common writing problems
Memo Short for Memorandum, Latin for “something to be remembered.” Memos are brief “in-house “ correspondences sent throughout companies and organizations. “in-house” = within a company/organization.
Memos Memos serve a variety of functions: - making an announcement - providing instructions - clarifying a policy/procedure/issue - changing a policy or procedure - alerting employees to a problem or issue - offering general information - providing a brief summary - making a request, - offering suggestions calling a meeting AND MORE!!
Header Introduction: provides background and states purpose Body: Numbered list is used for easier reading Conclusion: “Call to action” – asks for comments.
Memo Format - Header To: H.K. Gunther, Manager Campus bookstore From: Prof. Bob Noddington Department of International Relations Room 527, KAC 580-7896 Date: September 18, 2012 Subject: Request for new textbooks to support ongoing research ($800)
Strategies for Organizing Memos Organize your memos so that readers can find information quickly and act on it promptly. - Use numbered or bullet lists. - Divide the document into sections. Use bold face (and CAPS) to label sections.
Strategies for Organizing Memos For longer, more complex memo communications, divide your memo into three parts: Introduction Body (Discussion) Conclusion
Strategies for Organizing Memos Introduction: Tell readers clearly about the issue or policy, explain any background information the reader needs to know, and be specific about what you are going to accomplish in your memo.
Strategies for Organizing Memos Introduction: “Starting January 1, we will introduce the following change in regard to our company policy with regard to annual leave: every year one employee from each department will be awarded special annual bonus leave for outstanding performance.”
Strategies for Organizing Memos 2. Body (Discussion): State why a problem or procedure is important and who will be affected by it, indicate why changes are necessary, and give precise dates, times, locations, and costs.
Strategies for Organizing Memos 2. Body (Discussion): “The eligible employees will have additional five (5) days of annual leave credited on January 15. The bonus leave will be accounted for separately and will remain available until used, notwithstanding any other limitation of the total number of days annual leave that may be carried forward.
Strategies for Organizing Memos 3. Conclusion: Ask readers to call you if they have questions, request a reply, and provide a list of recommendations.
Strategies for Organizing Memos 3. Conclusion: “We will have a meeting on December 15 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the results of the 2012 performance evaluation and approve the final list of employees eligible for the bonus. The announcement to the employees will follow the meeting. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know before the meeting. Please contact me at EXT. 345”
Some Common Errors
Some common errors “I want you to…” We have a meeting this Thursday. I want you to come at 4 o’clock. Could you please come at 4.
Some common errors “I want (something).” After tomorrow’s meeting, I want a report at 5 o’clock. I would appreciate a report at 5’oclock please submit a report at 5 the report is due at 5
Some common errors “hard” (I’m hard to…/ He feels hard to…) I apologize for yesterday. I feel hard to give presentations, so it did not go well. I have some trouble with giving presentations. I have difficulties with giving presentations Presentations are hard, so… I’m hard This is hard
Some common errors “I’m easy to…/ She’s easy to…” At the last meeting there was a problem with our notes. It seems Jane didn’t complete them. She’s easy to forget these things, so let’s consider changing note takers. She forgets these things easily It’s easy for her to forget these things
Some common errors “I’m difficult to…/ She’s difficult to…” I’m difficult to write exams. - it’s difficult to write exams. - Writing exams is difficult - I find writing exams difficult
Some common errors “From now, I will…” This email is concerning last week’s security issue. Do not announce
Some common errors “should” (I should…/You should…) You should call me if you have any problems. You can call me if you have any.. - Please call me if… If you have any problems, please call me
Some common errors “Expect” (I expect…) Thank you for your consideration. I expect your reply. - I’m looking forward to..
Some common errors “will + VERB + ing” The business trip has been confirmed. I will leaving at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. I will be leaving at 7 a.m. tomorrow morning. I’m leaving at… I will leave at…
Some common errors imperative sentence (when making a request). I will talk to you next Tuesday about the plan. Come to my office to see me. I will talk to you next Tuesday about the plan. Please come to my office to see me.
Some common errors “impossible” Dear Mr. Noddington, We are sorry, but it is impossible to send the requested books to your office. But it is not possible to send the …at this time. We are unable to send….at this time - “unable to” would be the best option here. We are not possible to = X X
Some common errors “<time unit> later.” Four days later, we will contact you with more details. - we will contact you…in four days We have to wait 6 months -
Some common errors “comfortable” Our new computer is fast and since it is so small, it is very comfortable to use. it is very convenient Reserving train tickets online is very comfortable for me. convenient