5. Temptation of all temptations ‘God is tempting me’ 1v12-14 James 5. Temptation of all temptations ‘God is tempting me’ 1v12-14 God puts us through His school of hard-knocks v12 To turn you from coward into conqueror Worrier into warrior Little child to full on, sold out adult No heart for God into ‘a man after God’s Own heart’ Ac 13v22 To attain the ‘crown of life’ v12, Rev 2v10 Given for personal faithfulness in trial Promised to those who show their love for Him v12
5. Temptation of all temptations ‘God is tempting me’ 1v12-14 James 5. Temptation of all temptations ‘God is tempting me’ 1v12-14 Untested faith is unproved faith Surface level joy, brings surface level ‘Christianity’ Mt 13v20-21 Avoid being always overwhelmed by worry Mt 13v22, Isa 54v4-5, Mt 6v25-27, 31-33, Rom 14v17, Mt 13v23, 6v34 Don’t be short changed by the deceitfulness of wealth Mt 13v22, 6v24, Prov 30v9 Temptation to sin, a trial that touches all v13-14 Temptation of all temptations ‘God is tempting me’ v13 The real ‘blame game’ It’s YOU that yields to temptation Gen 3v6, James 1v13-14 The awful irony: Jesus chose to take the blame for you Isa 53v5