How do we get there? Mark in Green for Vocab
Bellwork – 9 de noviembre Take 5 minutes to study for your quiz.
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How do we get there? There are many modes of transportation that allow us to get where we need to go. We can take a car, a train, a metro, bike, etc. Today we are learning how to say all of these forms of transportation.
How do we get there? en tren (on a train) en metro (on a subway) en carro/en coche (in a car) en autobús (on a bus) en taxi (in a taxi)
en bicicleta (on a bike) en monopatín (on a skateboard) a caballo (on a horse) caminando (walking) corriendo (running)
Using the modes of transportation in sentences… To use these forms of transportation is quite simple. All you need to do is add it to the end of the sentence. Yo voy al parque en autobús. I am going to the park on the bus. Tú vas a la tienda en tren. You go to the store on a train.
Practice Tú ____ (ir) a _________ (the store) __________ (on a bike). Ellos _____(ir) a __________ (the house) ________ (in a car). Rebecca y yo ______(ir) a_________ (the museum)_______ (walking). Usted ______ (ir) a____________(the lake)_______ (on a horse). Yo _____ (ir) a____________(the supermarket) ______ (in a taxi).
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