Outline : Introduction Project objectives RFID basics and applications Methodology of our work System components Flowchart Results Swot analysis Future work Advanced work.
Introduction : This project is developed by using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system and student card to get student attendance. Before this, lecturer need to use the paper to get the student attendance. There were a lot of problems when using the paper as student attendance. This project can help lecturer to reduce these problems by designing automatic attendance using RFID and student card.
RFID basics:
Project Review Flow chart
System components : Arduino Microcontroller( UNO). RFID reader. RFID card. Liquid Crystal Display(LCD). SD-CARD KEYPAD RTC
Inserting memory card:
1) Reading RFID card
2) Reading from keypad
3)Real time clock
Comparasion of time :
4) LCD
5) Total number of cards. Press “*” to find the total number :
7) Reading SD-CARD
Zajel interface : connecting SD-CARD to PC. Take the excel sheet and send it o ZAJEL.
Interfacing all components together :
SWOT analysis :
Advanced work : send the excel sheet directly to ZAJEL. Face detector. Graphic LCD.