Update for 2017
National Quality Program Standards Electronic Online Survey Tool Developed by: Sponsored by: As a special project of the National FFA Foundation
NQPS Online Survey Tool Update PDF version of revised NQPS released in 2016 Developing easy-to-use, online version of this tool Piloting with programs in 10 states in February Free tool available through FFA.org Spring 2017 LPS staff will offer training at summer conferences Join the state leader breakout at 9 AM to see more! NQPS Survey Tool Overview for Main Group (5-min) Key Messages: The Council completed a comprehensive revision of the National Quality Program Standards for Secondary Agricultural Education Programs in 2016 A PDF of the standards, including a growth planning guide, is available on The Council’s website right now In response to feedback from the field, The Council is building an online survey and growth planning tool that will make it easy for programs to use this great resource With the tool, programs can easily analyze their strengths and weaknesses and uncover opportunities for growth The free online survey tool will be available later this Spring through FFA.org Teachers and state leaders in 10 states representing a wide variety of state needs and program structures will be piloting the tool throughout February LPS Staff will be equipped with tools to provide training to your teachers on the tool at summer conferences If you are interested in learning more about the tool or training opportunities this summer, make sure to attend the breakout session for later this morning
Measure what Matters National Quality Program Standards
SAE Renewal Development continues with extreme attention to provide alternatives to all students for career success. Engage all Students Safe environment with safety training Cross walked and tied to standards Provide time saving resources Increased Professional Development Individual Student Career Plan Provide a consistent format Reflective documented evaluation Promising Practices for supervision Increased Educational Partnerships
National Teach Ag Campaign
Demand 2001 (47) 2006 (47) 2009 (46) 2014 (47) 2015 (50) 2016 (49) Programs 7424 8167 8274* Teachers 11189 10846 11550 10874 11834 12358.5* New Positions 165 253 201.5 175 Current teacher demographic 18% F 67% M 94% Caucasian 42% F 57% M 41.5% F 55.7% M Unfilled 67 78 30 86 FT/10 PT 72 FT/8 PT 66 FT Positions lost 86 42 98.5 Teachers leaving 535 (4.9%) 619 (5.2%) 492 (4%) Retirements 204 (1.8%) 248 (2%) 201 (1.6%) New Programs 162 145.5 149 Alt License 242 390 183 207 325 (245 alt/80 non licensed)
Supply 2001 (82 institutions reported) 2006 (88 institutions reported) 2009 (72 institutions reported) 2014 (91 institutions reported) 2015 (97 institutions reported) 2016 (101 institutions reported 100%) Graduates / Number teaching/ % 857 / 509 59.4% 785 / 548 69.8% 649 / 457 70.4% 746 / 514 68.9% 742 / 512.5 69% 772 / 569 73.7% Current Ag Ed Degree enrollees 2575 2845 2967 Ag Ed Degree institutions 84 (74 w/ qualified completer) 103 99 101 Demo 54% Female 70% Caucasian 56% Female 91% Caucasian 65% Female 95% Caucasian 67% Female 89.5% Caucasian
Positives: Concerns: Notable: Increased number of Ag Ed degree programs Annual positive gains in programs and positions Increased number of graduates taking teaching positions. Highest ever in 2016. Steady increase of current ag ed enrollees Decrease in the number of teachers leaving the profession. Steady number of retirements Gender neutrality among current teachers. Concerns: 42/73 programs closed due to lack of teacher. 3300 total students 79 students per program Based on NFFA member enrollment 2016 Alternative licensure hires Predominately Caucasian female graduates Inconsistent reporting Total hires Teachers and programs from year to year Gender Notable: 126 Net gain in positions 796 positions needed to be filled in 2016 693 replacements 175 new positions 98.5 positions lost 95% Ag Teachers are Full-time
Quality and Diverse Agriculture Teachers make it ALL possible!
Ellen C. Thompson ethompson.naae@uky.edu 605.350.3842 #TeachAg Teach Ag is here to help. I’m looking for states to work with who are interested in planning and implementing successful R&R models. Stop by the booth and pick up your regional S/D profile. 2013/2008 Ag Ed Summit R/R ideas. Teach Ag owl. List of resources and more. If we are out of anything go to the Teach Ag website and print your own copy.