· Basic Spectrum Analyzer Display 0 dBV 100 kHz 10 dB/div / 10 kHz Reference Level (dBV) Dot Frequency (Hz) 0 dBV 100 kHz · Dot 10 dB/div / 10 kHz 10 kHz Vertical Scale (dBV/div) / Horizontal Scale (Hz/div) Resolution Bandwidth
· Basic Spectrum Analyzer Display: Reference Level 0 dBV 100 kHz The reference level identifies the top line level in dBVs. All levels are read in reference to this level according to the vertical span/div. The peak level of the signal indicated is thus -40 dBV. 0 dBV 100 kHz · Level = Ref Level – (# div)*(Vert Span / div) = 0 dBV – 4*10 dBV = -40 dBV 10 dB/div / 10 kHz 10 kHz Vertical Scale (dBV/div)
· Basic Spectrum Analyzer Display: Dot Frequency 0 dBV 100 kHz Dot Frequency (Hz) Dot The dot frequency indicates the frequency corresponding to the dot’s horizontal location. All frequencies are read from this reference point according to the horizontal scale (span/div). This signal’s center frequency is at 110 kHz. 0 dBV 100 kHz · Frequency = Dot Frequency ± (# div)*(Horiz Span / div) = 100 kHz + 1*10 kHz = 110 kHz 10 dB/div / 10 kHz 10 kHz Horizontal Scale (Hz/div)
· Basic Spectrum Analyzer Display: Resolution Bandwidth 0 dBV 100 kHz The resolution bandwidth indicates the bandwidth used to measure the power level. The specific power level corresponding to a specific frequency is the total power integrated over the resolution bandwidth centered at that specific frequency. A narrower resolution bw gives more precision in the display, but the display takes longer to produce. A wider resolution bw reduces precision but allows for faster display sweeps. 0 dBV 100 kHz · 10 dB/div / 10 kHz 10 kHz
Reference Level _________ Dot Frequency _________ Vert span/div _________ Horiz span/div _________ Resolution BW _________