Peace with Justice Sunday
Peace with Justice Sunday is a Special Sunday celebrated on the first Sunday of Pentecost.
On Peace with Justice Sunday, we advocate for peace and justice by financially supporting programs both in the United States and around the world.
Jobs Education Food Clean water Health care and so much more...
On Peace with Justice Sunday, we give generously to support programs that seek peaceful resolutions while standing against the oppression of God’s children.
Remains with your annual conference for local peace with justice ministries Allocated to the General Board of Church & Society for grants to both U.S. and international special programs
Free or low-cost school lunches Weekend food supplies Summer camp programs
Mentoring incarcerated youth & their families Teaching alternatives to gang violence and involvement
A broad-based program that ministers to homeless women Mentoring work with incarcerated adults to create a better environment
Leading a peace ministry uniting Arizona border communities Educating Pennsylvania students and the community about sex-trafficking at home and abroad
Training volunteers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for peaceful elections Equipping volunteers in Liberia to implement the United Methodist Social Principles to address social-justice issues
... And hundreds of other ministries are able to do amazing work because of the offering we give on Peace with Justice Sunday.
Give generously with us this coming Peace with Justice Sunday.
Visit our website: General Board of Church and Society: