What can stress feel like? Headache Stomach churning Problems sleeping, or sleeping too much Eating too much or too little Feeling irritable or moody Wobbly legs Shaking hands Feeling sick Nervous habits Heart pumping Problems concentrating
In this activity you’ll: Identify sources of stress (things that sap your energy) for young people and some common signs of stress or low energy in yourself and others Explain simple ways to maintain energy including taking care of yourself, avoiding unhelpful things and talking to others Understand the meaning of resilience.
What saps your energy and causes stress? Difficult people Conflict Work that’s too hard Too much work Not knowing what to do or where to start Worrying about the past Worrying about the future.
Spot the signs and respond What saps your energy and causes stress? Helpful daily habits Spot the signs and respond
What signs do I show?
Remember the positives Focus only on negatives Look after yourself Remember the positives A bit of stress is OK Make time to relax Get enough sleep Eat healthily Talk about it Socialise Bottle it up Avoid the issue Isolate yourself Focus only on negatives
Please include a photo of yourself CASE STUDY My job is stressful! Everyday there is pressure to achieve sales and retain customers, ensure the campaigns that my team delivers are successful for customers and for Tesco. And being human things go wrong. Social media and customers increased desire to voice unhappiness means that we are increasingly pressurised into trying to exceed customer expectations, all the time. Handling stress is tricky. It creeps up on you and before you know it you’re anxious, tense and not performing well at your job. The key is knowing your own ‘tell tale’ signs of stress: biting nails, being snappy, quiet or withdrawn, flippant and offhand. We all do it. Get to know your own signs, or get a close friend to tell you when they see the signs. Next, don’t ignore them, do something about it. One, try talking things through with a friend or colleague – it works to keep a balanced perspective - a big problem today is likely to be a small problem next week. Two, take time out … walk around the block, get some fresh air and breathe slowly! Three, eat well, eat regularly, avoid sugary foods that give you energy high’s and lots of lows. Four, maintain stability in your life – level attitude, regular meals, talk to friends and family. Five, smile. You will feel better for it. I develop and lead the personalised offers team who implement campaigns to deliver sales and drive loyalty through personalised targeted multi-media customer offers. Please include a photo of yourself Alison Wright, Senior Marketing Manager, Personalised offers Clubcard. Joined Tesco in 1984