Presentation of the transverse thematic Nuclear Energy


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation of the transverse thematic Nuclear Energy Alain Letourneau (Irfu/SPhN) P2IO Scientific Council , June 27-28 2012

Scope of the domain Which energies for the next centuries ? To develop a sustainable and safe nuclear energy Innovative fuel, material and reactor concepts (GEN IV forum) To reduce the impact of nuclear energy on environment Accurate simulation tools for scenario studies including environmental and societal dimensions Accurate nuclear data with correlated and uncorrelated uncertainties Synthesis of innovative materials able to resist to nuclear environment

Main projects in P2IO Reactor physic and simulation: MURE project (developers with LPSC Grenoble) Scenario studies Nuclear data production: neutron cross section measurements: n-tof (CERN, Geel) fission-fragment yield studies: Lohengrin (ILL), SOFIA (GSI), NFS(SPIRAL2) and FELISE (FAIR/GSI) Radioactive target production: CACAO Radiochemistry: Physico-chemistry of structural and cladding materials under irradiation Physico-chemistry of actinides and synthesis of new fuel Good implantation and visibility in the national (GEDEPEON, NEEDS programs) and international efforts (FP7, IAEA, JEFF, …)

P2IO strengths in the domain 40 permanents in the community of physicists and chemists: Reactor physic and code development (IPNO,SERMA) Nuclear data measurement (IPNO, IRFU) Radiochemistry and physico-chemistry (CSNSM, IPNO) Nuclear Installations and platform: CACAO, JANNUS, Tandem Orsay ALTO, OSIRIS and ORPHEE reactors,.. Benefit of national and international collaborations with other experts (geophysicist, sociologist, …) and installations (CERN, Geel, ….) International Master of Nuclear Energy (~100 students)

P2IO actions No post-doc funded (4 demands) Comparison of Monte-Carlo approach MURE/TRIPOLI Fission studies at NFS Synthesis by ion implantation for next generation reactors Actinide electro-deposition in ionic liquids No R&D funded (2 demands) Surface analysis in radioactive medium Laboratory for uranium compound science and investigation Financial support to JANNUS platform for operation

Conclusions A large domain of competences to answer crucial questions for nuclear energy Each lab has its own expertise, but it could be a starting point to improve the synergy between the different activities and to promote a common strategy ? Transverse thematic which takes benefit from all other thematics (detectors, accelerators, ….) but also can bring improvements to others (neutrino physics, new material for RIB, radioactive targets, ….)