SA Cultural Observatory Research Outputs Summary
Research: M&E Monitoring and Evaluation: KDI Reports on DAC Interventions
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework During the first year of operation, SACO developed a Framework for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Publically Funded Arts, Culture and Heritage. The M&E Framework identified five cultural value themes and linked them to indicators that could be used by arts organisations to demonstrate these kinds of value. -It was shown how the Framework could be applied to a sample of projects funded under the Mzansi’s Golden Economy initiative.
Completed M&E KDI Reports # Event Being Evaluated 1 Udumo Entertainers - Youth Dance Event 2 NM Mabote Craft and Development Project 3 South African Music Awards 4 National Arts Festival 5 Indoni Youth Empowerment National Culture & Heritage Celebration Festival 6 Royal Heritage Festival in Vhembe 7 Macufe Festival 8 Mahika Mahikeng Festival 9 Summartive report on Year 2 impact studies of a sample of live events using the SACO Framework 10 Cape Town Carnival We have delivered the Cape Town Carnival report and will deliver the next 8 reports over the next 3 quarters
Insights In the six events tracked in 2016, MGE funding made up R25,3m of a total organizer spending. Total organizer spending at the six events was R129,3m. Along with spending by attendees, the combined economic impact of the six events on their host economies was R364,63m. The total number of attendees ranged from 3 500 (Mahika Mahikeng) to more than 25 000 (MACUFE). Excluding free events, the highest number of tickets sold was at the National Arts Festival (nearly 150 000), and the lowest was Indoni (815). Cultural events can play a role in providing opportunities for intercultural interaction and building social cohesion. There is a positive relationship between cultural participation and individual welfare in terms of overall quality of life, as well as thinking about the value of one’s cultural heritage.
In progress: M&E KDI reports (due 31 March 2018) # Event being Evaluated 11 ‘Festivals and Events’ funding category of the Mzansi Golden Economy 12 Provincial Events funded by the Mzansi Golden Economy 13 ‘Touring Ventures’ funding category of the Mzansi Golden Economy 14 ‘Public Art’ funding category of the Mzansi Golden Economy 15 ‘Miscellaneous’ funding category of the Mzansi Golden Economy 16 Policy Recommendations 17 Interactive GIS Map of funding provided by Mzansi Golden Economy 18 Monitoring and Evaluation of Mzansi Golden Economy
Cultural Diplomacy
Completed: Country briefs # Country 1 Seychelles 2 India 3 Ethiopia 4 France 5 Russia 6 Brazil 7 Gabon 8 Nigeria # Country 9 Algeria 10 Malta 11 Tanzania 12 Kenya 13 Senegal 14 Colombia 15 Egypt We have delivered the country brief for Nigeria in the 1st quarter and will deliver the other 5 by end of the year.
In progress: Country briefs # Country 16 Germany 17 European Union (multi-lateral entity)
Research Reports
Completed: Research reports # Research Report Focus Area 1 Measuring Cultural Employment in South Africa: A comparison between the UNESCO Guidelines and the South African Standard Occupational and Industrial Classification Code 2 Transformation and job creation in the cultural and creative industries in South Africa 3 Cultural Employment in SA Using LFS Data 4 Social Cohesion Statistical Framework 5 A Creative & Cultural Industry Index for South Africa
Completed: Research reports # Research Report Focus Area 6 Regional Development - The Cultural & Creative Industries in South Africa: A case study of the Sarah Baartman District 7 Employment in the Cultural & Creative Industries in South Africa (using LSF data) 8 Cultural & Creative Industries Trade Report 2017
Research One of the most valuable pieces of research is the employment report, which showcases the current (as of 2014) status of SA Cultural Economy
Findings: Employment report Measuring Cultural Employment in South Africa
Findings: Employment Report Transformation
In progress: Research Reports # Research Report Focus Area (Contributing to final Mapping Study Report 6 ) 9 Shifting Ownership and Transformation 10 Provinces, location and clusters 11 Macro-economic Report 12 Summation Report The Mapping Study (which has been broken down to be delivered in the form of 6 reports) will be completed over the next 3 quarters 6 report topics have been agreed with DAC for year 3 and two publlication reports will be delivered per quarter over the next 3 quarters.
Publication Reports
Completed: Publication Reports # Report Topic 1 The Satellite Position Paper 2 The role of the CCI in regenerating urban and rural economies 3 Economy of the Imagination 4 Cultural Diplomacy Discussion Document 5 Rural Cultural Policy 6 An input-output model for the CCIs in South Africa 7 Cultural diplomacy policy framework
In progress: Publication Report # Report Topic 8 Emerging Trends within the CCI Sector 9 Rethinking Culture 10 Cultural seasons framework for International Relations dept. of the DAC 11 Intellectual Property (the report should include: Policy framework for protecting and expanding IP, the economic and social implications of local content and best practice for managing IP within the context of the development world.)
Other Research
Other Research Outputs Completed to date (July 2017) # Report Topic 1 Updated Research Agenda 2016/2017 2 South African Festivals Economic Impact Calculator (SAFEIC) For completion by the 31st March 2018 We will deliver an updated research agenda in the last quarter which will take into account all the inputs we have received from the engagements we have had with the industry ie Domain Workshops, Conference etc. # Report Topic 3 Updated Research Agenda 2017/2018
Research Agenda The Research Agenda summary and input page is available here: https://www.southafricanculturalobse agenda
Scholarships & Capacity Building Scholarships Awarded # Report 1 14 Scholarships to South African postgraduate students 2 9 Research Internships Capacity Building of Practitioners & Authorities # Report Topic 1 Framework for the M&E of Publically Funded Arts, Culture and Heritage (x2) 2 Practical Application of Statistics in the CCI (x2) 3 SAFEIC Workshop (x2) 4 Research Methodology Workshop (x1) We will deliver an updated research agenda in the last quarter which will take into account all the inputs we have received from the engagements we have had with the industry ie Domain Workshops, Conference etc.
Research The South African Festival Economic Impact Calculator (SAFEIC) tool is available here:
Research All published/ approved/ completed research reports and findings are available online in the SACO Library: library/saco-documents-research
Connect with the SA Cultural Observatory @SACulturalObservatory @SACulturalObs T: +27 41 504 4930 E: 21-23 Donkin Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6000, Eastern Cape, South Africa