Unit Three Block Four Lecture The development of Indian religions World History I Unit Three Block Four Lecture The development of Indian religions
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The origins of Hinduism Click me Hinduism is recognized as the oldest organized religion in the world (2000 BCE/BC and maybe as far back as 5000 BCE/BC) The origins of Hinduism are a blend of Aryan and Indian (Dravidian) beliefs There is no specific founder of Hinduism The location of Hinduism remains within the Indian sub- continent
Hindu deities and religious texts Click Here There is one major deity (Brahman) that shows itself in many forms (the Hindu trinity): Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the preserver), and Shiva (the destroyer) Splits within the religion allow for a vast variety of other deities or monotheism Hindu sacred writings are known as the Sanatana Dharma (The Eternal Teaching) and include the Vedas (Hindu foundation) and the Upanishads (Hindu theory) The Hindu Trinity Brahman Brahma (the creator) Vishnu (the preserver) Shiva (the destroyer)
Hinduism incorporates the caste system Click Here The caste system is a fundamental part of Hinduism Hinduism uses the caste system to create a pattern based on the following: Reincarnation - birth into a caste after a previous life Dharma - a set life path based on position to sustain balance Karma - judgment and rebirth based on choices, and Nirvana - the ultimate escape from the cycle of life and death Reincarnation Following or not following your Dharma Getting good or bad Karma Back to reincarnation (either into a better caste or a worse caste) or Nirvana (escape)
Origins of Buddhism Buddhism is a reaction to Hinduism Click Here Buddhism is a reaction to Hinduism Buddhism is founded in 520 BCE/BC Buddhism is founded by Siddhartha Gautama who an Indian prince from what is now Nepal (we call him “The Buddha”) The big difference from Hinduism – Buddhism allows for the achievement of Nirvana in one lifetime
The “Four Noble Truths” and the “Eightfold Path” (a two part process) Click Here Part one – accept these four noble truths Part two – the enlightened path requires you live your life as follows All people suffer We suffer because of our actions Proper understanding proper attitude We do not have to suffer, and proper speech Follow the enlightened path (eightfold path) to end your suffering proper actions proper livelihood complete or full effort complete or through awareness, and mastery of meditation
The spread of Buddhism Click Here In 260 BCE/BC, Asoka (the Hindu ruler of the Mauryan Empire) leads a invasion that leads to massive loss of life, thus ruining his Karma Asoka converts to Buddhism so that he can still reach Nirvana in his lifetime Asoka then sends missionaries to parts of China and Asia to spread the word of Buddhism, the Buddhism ultimately spread to Korean Peninsula and Japan