Question Ideas Ask participants their general feelings about the appearance of each women Try to discuss the ‘whys’. Ask about feelings about such dress in the UK Ask about freedom of expression and also, try to unpick their views about women like Miley Cyrus who regularly dress with very little on
Ethics 2- Religion and Equality Are either of these women oppressed?
Explain which of these styles you agree with and which ones you do not Explain which of these styles you agree with and which ones you do not. You must give reasoned argument with examples in your answer.
‘‘The veil has no place in British Society’’
Women in Islam – The basics Men and women are equal as creations of Allah (see Surah 49:13) Equality does not mean singularity of purpose, qualities or characteristics. Men are seen as stronger and therefore must be the providers; women, as child bearers must take the role of nurturers, primary care givers and homemakers. (see Surah 4:34) Both men and women must dress modestly and avoid sexualising their bodies through their dress. Men must be covered from the navel to the knee; women must avoid clothing that his figure hugging or revealing (see Surah 33:59) Interpretation of this can differ from family to family, amongst nations and individuals
In Islam, a Muslima has the following rights: The right to an education (in the UK 45% of all PhDs awarded go to women; in Saudi Arabia it is 35%) Refuse a marriage Divorce Women can inherit wealth from their mothers or fathers. (This is always less than any brothers they may have. The difference is a woman's inheritance is her own; a male must share his with his wife and family) Keep their own names after marriage Own property (this right was only given to married women in the UK in 1882!!) Run a business
Quranic guidelines for women's dress First Rule : The Best Garment "O children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs, perhaps they will remember." 7:26 To revere God and know that He is always watching us is the basic rule for the dress code in the Quran. Any woman knows quite well what is decent and what is revealing. Women do not need to be told, they know how to maintain righteousness and how not to. God created the woman and therefore He knows that she can make this distinction. This is why God set the rule of revering God and maintaining righteousness as the first rule. Second Rule : Cover your Bosoms The second rule can be found in 24:31. Here God commands women to cover their bosoms. Before quoting 24:31 let us review some crucial words that are always mentioned in connection to this topic, namely the 'hijab' and the 'khimar'. Historical Background: While many Muslims call 'hijab' an Islamic dress code, they in fact oblivious of the fact that the concept of 'hijab' has nothing to do with Islam nor with the Quran. In fact, the 'hijab' is an old Jewish tradition that infiltrated into the hadith books like many innovations that contaminated Islam through the hadith. Any student of Jewish traditions would know that the head cover for the Jewish woman is encouraged by the Rabbis and religious leaders. Religious Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time and especially in the synagogues, at weddings and religious festivities. This Jewish tradition is a cultural not a religious one. Hijab was observed by the women of the civilisations that preceded the Jews and was passed down to the Jewish culture. Some Christian women cover their heads in many religious occasions while the nuns cover their heads all the time. The tradition of covering the head was practiced thousands of years before the Muslim scholars claimed the 'hijab' as a Muslim dress code. The traditional Arabs, of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to wear 'hijab' not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi Arabia for example, all men cover their heads, not because of Islam but because of tradition.
Documentary Equality Discrimination
Explain the status of woman in Islam
Homework 1) ‘‘Religions must treat people equally’’ 12 mark question (try this under exam conditions once you have planned an answer, take approx. 15 minutes) 2) Find out about the wives of Muhammad (pbuh). How can they be seen to be role models for the Muslimas?