Muslims and Jews in the US Jessica Schwartz
Goal of Research Provide insight into how the different assimilation patterns of Muslims and Jews affect how Muslims and Jews are viewed in the US and how this affects Muslim-Jewish relations.
Hypothesis Jews have become so acculturated to the US, many have given up wearing religious garb or symbols, so hate crimes against Jews are less direct (i.e. vandalizing a synagogue). Muslims, particularly Muslim women who wear a hijab, experience more verbal harassment because they are recognizable. Average non- Jewish and non-Muslim American will view Muslims more negatively than Jews because Jews are much less visible.
Treatment by Others 2014 Pew study: 63% of people feel warmly toward Jews, 40% toward Muslims 15% of Jews say that in the past year they personally have been called offensive names or snubbed in a social setting because they are Jewish. 22% of Muslims report being called offensive names. 56% of Muslim Americans most Muslims who come to the U.S. want to adopt American customs. 33% of the general public believes that most Muslims in the U.S. today want to assimilate.
Religiosity Over 60% of Jews say being Jewish is mainly a matter of ancestry and/or culture, while just 15% say it is mainly a matter of religion. Muslims 69% say that religion is very important in their lives, and about half (47%) report at least weekly attendance at a mosque for prayer.
Intermarriage Among Jewish survey respondents who have gotten married since 2000, 58% have non-Jewish spouses. 79% of Muslims who are married or living with a partner are with someone of the same religion.
Political Participation 66% of Muslims and 83 % Jews who are U.S. citizens say they are certain they are registered to vote Jews: 26% Republican, 64% Democrat. Muslims: 17% Republican, 62% Democrat.
Head Coverings Hijab Sheitel Yarmulke
The Question of Israel/Palestine 61% of Jews say there can be peaceful two-state solution. 62% of Muslims say a way can be found for the state of Israel to exist so that the rights of the Palestinians are addressed
Future Imam Abdullah Antepli and Yossi Klein Halevi: Shalom Hartman’s Muslim Leadership Initiative Avi Schaefer Fund