Jews Believe… In one God(Yahweh), creator of the universe, personal ,happy and angry In prophets – especially Moses, through whom Torah was revealed to the Hebrew people
In Torah (first five books of the Bible), containing religious, moral and social law which guides the life of a Jew
Three aspects are significant in Judaism… Covenant-Jews “chosen people of Yahweh” Law-must follow Prophets-spiritual leaders, have special contact w/God
As a way of life, Judaism is based on… Ten Commandments given to Moses 613 commandments found in Torah (“Written Law”) Talmud (“Oral Law”) – commentary of ancient rabbis that elaborates on how to apply God’s Law in everyday life through: Dietary rules (Kashrut/Kosher) Dress and other symbols Prayer and devotion to the one God The Temple and Temple rites Observance of Holy days Proper social relations between male and female, in business, judicial rulings, etc.
Other Important Jewish Beliefs Bris – ritual circumcision, sign of the covenant Bar/Bat Mitzvah– full adult status and responsibility within the religion
Other beliefs Coming of the Messiah-messiah will appear to restore peace and order Heaven-some believe in Heaven but main focus is following Yahweh’s laws on earth
Places of Worship… Synagogues or Temples
Jewish Holidays Rosh Hashanah Hanukkah Passover
Rosh Hashanah Main Idea: It is the Jewish New Year. Details: Reflect on the year: thoughts and actions. Before the holidays people get in touch with people they hurt and ask for forgiveness.
Hanukkah Main idea: Festival of lights Details: Hanukkah is celebrated because it is remembering the successful Jewish revolt in 2nd century BCE, against Syrians who tried to take over Jerusalem. Its is celebrated with a 9 candle menorah, one light for the eight days the oil burned.
Moses leads Jews from Egypt. Seder Meal Leaven Bread Passover Main Idea: Celebrated to remember the Jewish exodus from Egypt. Details: Moses leads Jews from Egypt. Seder Meal Leaven Bread