The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding “We are dedicated to strengthening relations between ethnic communities. The Foundation was formed to promote understanding and cooperation between and among ethnic groups and to reduce the existing tensions among diverse racial and ethnic communities.”
FFEU Leader: Rabbi Marc Schneier A little more familiar: Chairman Russell Simons
Russell Simons FFEU Event in His Own Backyard This event took place in August, and was more of a socialite event to honor different people unrelated to the foundation in order to spread the FFEU message to West Hollywood natives.
Most Popular Event: Twinning “The Weekend of Twinning is an annual initative organized annually by The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding(FFEU),in cooperation with the World Jewish Congress and the Islamic Society of North America, that encourages Muslims and Jews, Mosques, and Synagogues, Imams and Rabbis, to hold joint programming with the goalof building ties of communication, reconciliation, and cooperation between Muslims and Jews.” “At a time of heightened economic difficulty and recurring natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy, Muslims and Jews in 18 cities across North America and Britain joined together during the 5th Annual Weekend of Twinning to provide nourishing meals to hungry and homeless people and to participate in learning/networking events highlighting the common moral imperative in Islam and Judaism to feed the hungry.”
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