DEBATE Dr. S K Biswas
Meaning A debate is like a game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent to persuading each other. It is also a contest, when both parties try to oppose the other party's conclusion.
Value of debate Debates is an effective method for enabling students to take an active part in their own learning through the preparation and presentation of their own work.
Elements of debate Debate allows following four necessary elements for deeper learning: Motivation Learner activity Interaction with others A strong knowledge base.
How to Conduct a Debate Choosing topics Students to be motivated by a debate topic when they have previous experience on it. Where possible students should be given the opportunity to be involved in choosing the debate topic. Teacher creates a variety of topics and allow the class to vote for the ones they are the most interested
How to Conduct a Debate Choosing Groups Groups can be allocated at random or students choose their own groups or the teacher chooses the groups. If this is the first debate experience for most students, it may be appropriate to start with smaller groups.
How to Conduct a Debate Assigning Topics The teacher will announce the topic to be debated and told which side of the argument they will be supporting. A copy is given by the teacher to the all groups and their members. This copy contains the topic they are taking, the side they are on and the date, time and venue of the debate.
How to Conduct a Debate Rules of Debate The teacher should make clear the formal rules of debate for students to follow. These are – Do not interrupt another’s to speak. Speak in turn. Do not yell out opinions. Do not ‘name call’. Bases of arguments will be on facts, logic and rationality rather than emotion.
How to Conduct a Debate Preparing the Students Debate Format: An effective debate structure includes an Opening Statement, Rebuttal, Question Time and Closing Statement. Teacher also specifies that each member of the team should be responsible for one aspect and all members should speak.
How to Conduct a Debate Debate Format: Motion is read 3 minutes Vote is taken 1 minute Opening Statement – Candidate for the motion 5 minutes. Opening Statement – Candidate against the motion 5 minutes. Rebuttal by Candidate for the motion 3 minutes Rebuttal by Candidate against the motion 3 minutes Questions from the audience 5-20 minutes Closing statement – Candidate for the motion 3 minutes Closing statement – Candidate against the motion 3 minutes
How to Conduct a Debate The teacher should show the students an example of a debate through videotaped. Successful debates require an audience of at least twenty for interaction through questions and discussion. The debate is limited to one hour.
How to Conduct a Debate Instructions for Group: Groups choose the roles for their members. If a group member does not turn up for the debate, the debate carries on regardless with other group members. It is the responsibility of the group members to keep in touch with each other Slides and PowerPoint presentations can be used but should be set up beforehand. The starting time of the debate must not be compromised by failure of technology. Speeches must keep within the time, if a speech goes over the allotted time, the teacher can stop the speaker.
How to Conduct a Debate Preparatory lectures and tutorials: The preparatory work will be allocated 2 hours per week. The first hour is devoted to a lecture on relevant issues. The second hour is the tutorial which is providing instruction or how to construct an argument and presentation techniques in the debate.
How to Conduct a Debate Group monitoring: In ensuing week, the teacher should arrange meetings to ensure that preparatory work is being done and all group members are involved. It should be made clear to the teacher that any problems they encounter need to be discussed with him / her in time to remedy before the actual debate is take place.
Assessment It should be assessed in the following way – Primarily marks are given based on an individual’s performance, although the ability to work in a team impacting on that mark. This is a fair approach to determine each student’s contribution and ability. Debate attendance and participation by all members of the class, without exception (illness etc), will be assessed.
Advantage It helps students to think critically about the topic by posing debatable questions. It allows one to see a different point of view. It provides opportunities to learn from each other. It helps to interact with others. It develops our knowledge and opinions. It helps to make better arguments.
Advantage It encourages students to actively acquire and assimilate knowledge both individually and collectively and work together for a common goal as a team. It can offer an alternative and valuable form of assessment in teaching-learning.
Disadvantage Some students can be offended when their point of view is challenged. They can quickly escalate into fierce. Some students are ignorant of other people's interpretations/views and can upset others. It is time consuming. It is not appropriate for all the subject matter. Some students may dominate on the others. It requires special skills of the teacher.
Question What is debate as a teaching technique? 2 Mention the educational value of debate. 2 Describe the organizational procedure of debate in school. 8 Write the role of a teacher in organizing debate. 8 Write the advantages and disadvantages of debate as a teaching technique.