East Coast College Values
Welcome! Our Mission: To develop individual, local and regional prosperity and wellbeing Our Values: Integrity Happiness Supportive Inclusive Inspiring
Respect each other and our College
We will do this by embedding British values into your College life: Individual liberty ECC will: Expect you to be responsible for your own behaviour Challenge stereotypes and bias Promote anti-bullying Encourage and promote self knowledge, self esteem and self confidence Democracy ECC will: Listen to all views Actively encourage you to make your own choices Encourage debate topics for and against your learning experience Will get involved in enhancing your learning experience Encourage you to express your views peacefully (freedom of speech) Encourage you to vote on areas that matter to you Rule of law ECC Will: Ensure rules and expectations are clear Encourage recognition between right and wrong Ensure rule are in place to protect you Expect you to respect the rules Challenge inappropriate behaviour Mutual respect & tolerance ECC will: Promote respect Encourage respect for our own and others’ cultures Discuss differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and families Challenge inappropriate behaviour
Student voice and involvement We will encourage you to have your say and get involved in a variety of different topics through a variety of ways: Forums Discussions & video clips Pop up topic walls Ask the Principal Thinking clouds Student Union Student ambassadors & course reps Pop up & official surveys
Career and Wellbeing Programme The programme brings together topics that help students have a greater understanding of how to develop a balanced approach to being healthy, happy and making a positive contribution to their immediate and wider communities.
Student Vacancies Course Rep Student Student Buddy/Mentor Ambassador Union
How this impacts your curriculum: Progression Building relationships Developing own wellbeing and sense of belonging Being part of the community Acceptance/tolerance to others beliefs/religions Looking out for each other Respecting your learning environment Listening to others views and opinions Developing/strengthening citizenship Having respect for yourself, each other, college and the community Having freedom of speech Making own choices/decisions Recognising risks and consequences